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I reach out and help her tug the dress down, a lightness and joy in my heart that I have not felt in some time. I suspect my lips are turned up in a carefree, silly grin, but I do not care.

“Can I go with you to meet with the chief?” Haley asks again, once her clothing is on and to her liking and I quickly consider her request.

I had planned to tell Chief Daggir about Haley and the humans’ existence in private before introducing her to him, but I can deny my mate nothing. If she wishes to meet the leader of our tribe, then so be it. Truth be told, I have no wish to be parted from Haley, even for such a short time.

When the amoris bond is newly formed, mates have a difficult time being apart from each other, even for short times. We call it the claiming period, and it is a time when our mateblood is at an all-time high, as is our urge to connect with our mates and fully unite our spirits to each other. The claiming lust has me well and truly in its grasp. I rake my eyes over my mate as she bends over to put her shoes on, her soft backside catching my attention and making my semi-hard cock jerk in eagerness.

I wonder if we could . . . I shake my head to dispel it of the fantasy already taking hold. The sooner we meet with Chief Daggir, then the sooner we can return to our hut and turn my fantasy into a reality.

I quickly agree to Haley’s request and we both finish dressing before leaving.

We manage to make our way through the village, past the rows of huts without encountering any of the other males in the tribe. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Haley gazing around in curiosity at the many hollow dwellings that make up my tribe’s village. Many years ago, each one of the huts was occupied by a warrior, and our village was a hub of activity. But now, so many of the huts lie quiet and abandoned with a desolate air that makes my chest pang each time I pass them.

I hope that the many empty huts do not leave my mate with an unfavorable opinion of the Anuriix tribe. We are the most prolific and fierce tribe on Laedirissae, with more tribe members than any other, but even we have not been able to fight off the deterioration of the stored eggs from our long-dead females. Our tribe had so many more members at one point, but as time has passed, the elders have died off and we have had less and less younger members to replace them.

We have existed day to day with the knowledge that one day, all too soon, our tribe – no, our entire species – will become extinct. But I feel a sense of hope now that Haley is here, and now that the amoris bond has returned to us. The future does not seem so bleak with my mate by my side. It seems bright with many possibilities on our horizon.

In the distance ahead of us, I can make out the flames of the main fire pit where most of the tribe’s meals are cooked. The sun is setting in a colorful display that lights up the horizon and the two sister moons have just begun to appear in the sky. It is nearing time for the last meal of the day and most of the tribe will be gathered around waiting to eat. They will have finished their duties and will be busy enjoying the comradery we revel in as we sit together near the fire at night.

I imagine Haley seated beside me at the many meals we will share together in the future. I will choose only the best morsels of food for my mate and make sure she eats her fill each time. And later, when she is satisfied, we will return to our hut and I will make sure she is satisfied in a different way. Then, we will fall asleep wrapped in each other’s arms.

I feel an eager grin grace my face as I contemplate our future. I look down at the magnificent female striding along beside me, her hair burnished with gold from the setting sun, and I’m struck again how fortunate I am to have met her and that she is my mate.

As we draw closer to the fire, the sound of conversation among the males tapers off and comes to a stop as they notice first me, then Haley. Everyone’s gazes are trained on her, and I notice more than one member of my tribe with wide, rounded eyes and mouths open in shock.

A flutter of nervous energy rumbles in my gut, but I push it down and smile reassuringly at Haley. Her hands are twisted together in front of her and a tense smile tilts the corners of her lips as if she is both fearful and excited about this meeting. I place my arm around her waist and draw her against my side, hoping that she can absorb some of my confidence and knowing that my action has been a clear statement to my tribe that she is under my protection.

In the center of the group is Chief Daggir. He is an imposing male even at his age with hard muscles that have yet to grow soft. Instead of the shimmering bright metallic hue of a younger male, his skin is the silver of an elder. His faded gray hair is pulled back from his face in an intricate set of braids and deep lines fan out from his steely eyes.

Eyes that I always believed saw everything when I was a kitling. Eyes that are now pinned to me. I resist the urge to fidget just as I would have as a kitling when he would gaze at me in such a manner.

Even in the heart of our village, a sword is strapped to Chief Daggir’s back. At least two daggers are visible in the belt attached to his loincloth, and there are probably more weapons that I cannot see. Our tribe’s chief believes in always being prepared to fight a battle at any time.

His gaze, so alert and knowing, studies Haley before moving back to me. His eyes narrow and his brow ridge rises in an unvoiced question. I open my mouth, but before I can say anything, the seer, Jaran, steps in front of me. He blocks my view with his broad body swathed in a blue tunic made of the sumptuous fabric produced by the insectoid we call verm.

A faint whiff of kifir reaches me when he opens his mouth. “It is nice of you to finally join us, warrior.” His voice drips with barely disguised contempt.

I bristle at Jaran’s words, but I clench my teeth and push down any irritation I feel. It is not the time to engage in a verbal sparring match with the older male.

Jaran turns his head and I realize his gaze has landed on my mate. His fleshy hand lifts and one finger points straight at her and with a sneer, he asks, “What is that?”

I square my shoulders and look past Jaran to meet the chief’s gaze. “She is a human female named Haley.”

My words trigger murmurs to rush through the small crowd of gathered males. Their eyes are fixed on us as they whisper to each other, but at my next words, the males gathered in front of us grow still and silent.

“She is my amoris.”

Chapter 25


At Draggar’s statement, the tall aliens standing in a clump around the fire go completely still and their whispered conversations come to a sudden halt. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not.

I really hope it’s good.

I don’t know how to feel about Draggar introducing me as his spirit mate. I was just starting to warm up to the idea myself, and now, his entire tribe knows. This is like meeting the parents. . . except, I’m meeting the entire tribe. I’m at a loss for what to say in a situation like this and the tension in the air is beginning to feel overwhelming.

I nervously flutter my fingers to them in a wave and say, “Hi!”

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