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There is a faint upturn of her lips at my words and the skin on her face flushes a vibrant pink color that sends a thrum of hunger through my veins.

I am still amazed that I was able to bond with Haley, and that the connection between us appears to be so strong. Since she is an alien, I had expected it to be weaker than what I have heard of occurring between Laediriian mates, but I don’t think it is. Even now, I can feel her sadness about my species’ circumstances, along with a lingering frisson of arousal burning inside her.

As we lock gazes, that arousal heats up and arcs between us. My second heart quickens, sending mateblood flowing through my veins.

The quiet moment grows between us until it takes on a life of its own, and before I know it, Haley is urgently pulling my head down to meet her lips in a kiss that causes my breath to shudder. Our mouths fuse together in a passionate embrace that sends an arrow of blazing heat sweeping through me.

My cock, already half-hard, swells further and throbs out a steady tempo in time with my second heart’s pulse in a need to claim my mate again, and I know with a certainty that I will never be able to get enough of Haley.

Haley shifts until she is straddling my lap with her thighs on either side of me. My rigid length presses hard against her wet heat, seeking her out, and she gasps in surprise before leaning back to look at me. “Already?”

I smile in response and fleetingly wonder at the stamina of human males before pulling her lips back to mine. I groan as I sweep my tongue into Haley’s soft, hot mouth and her sweet taste overwhelms me.

Her hands, which have been gripping my face and rubbing soft circles against the defensive ridges on my cheeks, steadily drift downwards to linger on my chest. Her blunt nails scrape lightly against my thick skin grazing the sensitive small beads that are my nipples and I hiss in response as a tingle shoots down my spine.

I lean back and look at Haley in amazement. I never knew so much pleasure and bliss could be found with a mate. She grins wickedly at me with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, and I tense wondering what my mate is planning to do. I do not have long to wonder as she braces her hands firmly against my chest and quickly pushes me backwards.

I land against the soft pillow with an oof and Haley shifts her body until the warmth of her cunt is right above my cock.

A shudder ripples through me as I feel the wetness between her thighs slide against my skin, coating my hardened cock. Her fragrant scent reaches me, strong and rich, and a frantic need like I have never known flows through my body. I need Haley like I need oxygen to breath and food for nourishment. It is a need and hunger that is seated deep within my spirit.

My mate. My amoris.

Haley arches her back and grinds her hips down against mine, while her hands cup the mounds on her chest that fascinate me so much. I groan as her slender fingers pluck at her reddened nipples. Her body is on full display for me to enjoy, and I rake my eyes over her magnificent curves. She is more beautiful than anything I have ever seen – like one of the goddesses from the old Laediriian beliefs.

A sensual curve graces her lips, and my cock responds to it by jerking against my abdomen in eagerness. “How about we try something a little different this time?” Haley’s words send a mixture of confusion and hunger through me. I do not know what my clever mate has planned, but I look forward to finding out.


After Haley and I claim each other again, we nestle together on the softness of the bed and talk of meaningless things for a short while.

She tells me of Earth and its many large cities and different people and animals, her friends on the ship, and her work for something called a charity. She explains that it is an organization that gives food to humans who have none.

By the time she begins to speak of her family who have been gone so long, her voice begins to waver. I put my arms around Haley and she leans against my side with a sigh.

My mate is kinder and more selfless than I realized, and shame makes my chest tight. I was a fool to have thought she could be involved in any plot to hurt my people. Haley is innocent of any wrongdoing, as are the other humans. I vow to myself that I will help them in any way that I possibly can.

After a while, Haley’s mouth opens wide in deep yawn and her voice trails off. She cuddles closer against me with her head resting on my shoulder in what she has declared her favorite spot. Her beautiful eyes that I could never tire of gazing into flutter closed and I think she has drifted off to sleep.

A satisfied sense of pride fills me as I recognize the peaceful glow of repletion and the lingering desire emanating from my chest is Haley, and that I have made her feel that way. Claiming my mate was an experience more wonderous than I could have ever imagined.

I smile to myself as I rub a hand down her bare back, marveling at her soft skin so different from my own.

She is so unlike me and unlike what I know about my species’ females. Her skin is smooth, unlike my own thick hide, and she has no defensive ridges on her body to protect her most vulnerable organs. And yet, she is a brave female, willing to stand up to a tiniio for me. I am humbled by her courageous spirit. I think of all the things she has survived so far, and firm resolve settles in my gut. I will let nothing harm Haley ever again. I will protect her no matter what.

I remember the promise I made to her, to return with her to the crashed ship and help her friends. I do not know how many humans there are on the ship, but it sounds as if they are all female.

My thoughts flicker to the unmated males in my tribe like my cousin, and I wonder if any of them might find their spirit mates among the other humans.

Pressing my lips against Haley’s forehead, I inhale her sweet scent. It is so hard to part from her for even a short time, but if we are to leave to travel to her friends, then I must meet with Chief Daggir before he discovers I have returned. There are many things I need to discuss with him.

I try to quietly slide out of bed without waking Haley – the dark circles that are still under my mate’s eyes are proof that she needs her rest and I do not wish for anything to disturb her, not even me – but she stirs as soon as I leave her side.

“Are you leaving me?” Haley mumbles. Her voice is thick with sleepiness and the brown waves of her hair fall around her face in tangles. My fingers itch to glide through her soft mane.

“I must speak with the chief of our tribe before we leave in the morning.” Her eyes widen at my words, and she quickly jumps out of bed. Her naked body is on display, and I drink in the view, mesmerized by her soft curves.

She is beautiful, even as she grabs the clothing she discarded earlier in our rush to claim each other. Haley says something, but her words are muffled by the material of her dress as she pulls it over her head, and I chuckle at her haste.

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