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I usher Haley through the door, relieved we have finally reached the privacy of my home without being seen by anyone other than my cousin. I do not wish the other members of the tribe to know about her just yet. At least, not until I have found out if she will accept the amoris bond.

I want us to have peace and quiet for these first moments together where we can communicate completely with each other. I want to enjoy talking to her and learning all about her, and if she accepts the mate bond, I want us to be able to enjoy that, too.

But I do not have much time before one of the other tribal members finds outs. Whether by Vrenner accidently mentioning Haley’s existence to them or by one of the other males stopping by my hut for some reason. I have been absent from the village for days, and as soon as word gets out that I have returned, males will show up at my hut. Whether it is questions about training or squabbles among the hunters or an invitation to go hunting, Haley and I will not have a moment’s peace.

Right now, I cannot help but notice the dark circles under my mate’s eyes and I know there will be time for us to discuss the mate bond later. But for now, I want to take care of her and ensure she is comfortable. The urge to pamper my mate and feed her is strong and I cannot resist it. It is an honor for a Laediriian to care for his mate and a duty that we take seriously.

“I wish to show you something.” I gesture towards the room at the back of my hut and urge her to follow me. As I open the door, I realize I also want Haley to be impressed, to be proud of my efforts. This planet can be hard at times, and I want her to enjoy this little luxury. I just hope she will like it as I much as I do.

We enter the sanitation room and I watch as Haley’s mouth drops open. A warm glow of joy settles inside my chest as she studies her surroundings, a look of awe on her face.

It is not false pride to say that my sanitation room is one of the best in the village. I hand cut the stones that line the walls and floor from a deposit of pale blue rocks with shimmering white veins running through them, and I hauled each one back to my hut to carefully place them in this room.

Vrenner and Maalin helped me create a cleansing system that is unlike any other in the village. It is a large, spacious stall in the corner with three walls that come up to just below my knees. A metal pipe high on one wall releases a stream of water almost like a small rainstorm, and a thin pipe in the center allows water to drain away.

Rainwater is collected and stored in a barrel on the roof of my hut. During the hottest months, the sun heats the water, ensuring that it’s always warm. There is no door or gate to enter which means the drain can be stopped up and the stall filled to the top with for a bath.

There have been many times I have been thankful for my sanitation room, especially when I have returned home dirty and tired after a long day of hunting or battling the Pugj.

Some of the other males in the tribe laughed at me for wanting such an extravagant room that would only be used to cleanse the body, but feeling the thread of delight that glows from my mate as she stares at makes all of their teasing words worth it.

Haley’s eyes quickly well up with tears, and I am startled for a moment, wondering if I have done something wrong or if she is in pain. Before I can ask her, she turns and throws her arms around me. Her small face buries against my chest and my second heart speeds up in reaction.

“First a bath, now a shower. A real shower. This is amazing.” She leans back and looks at me, her blue eyes shimmering like the ocean that stretches out on either side of our landmass, and it is all I can do not to ask to join her in the cleanser.

But I must resist the temptation. Haley would probably appreciate her privacy right now. I have learned during the time we’ve spent together that humans can be odd creatures, and unlike my species, they enjoy their privacy and prefer to keep their bodies covered most of the time. At least, Haley does.

I run my hand through her soft hair and urge her to take her time. She smiles at me and stands leans up to press her lips against my cheek. Then, she turns and begins humming under her breath as she trails her fingers over the smooth stones lining the walls. I step outside the room and quietly pull the door closed behind me.

I take my time washing up at the small sink in the meal preparation area of my hut, before changing into a fresh loincloth I pull from a large wooden trunk. When that is done and I am clean, I get to work preparing a meal for us using the ingredients available from my food stores.

I get out a bowl of the bilb berries that Haley enjoys so much, a stoppered bottle of nectar from the large blue flowers that are so common on our planet, and smoked dicro meat that I slice thinly. At the last minute, I warm pieces of gretit, soft discs that one of the elders makes from ground grain.

I wish I had a better meal to serve Haley – maybe one of the delicious thick stews the cooks of our tribe prepare over many hours or the slow roasted meat that we only enjoy during celebrations – but this is the best I can do without going out to the main fire pit.

I want to enjoy this meal with Haley and spend our time together getting to know her better before we must face the tribe. There are so many questions running through my head that I wish to ask her. Where she comes from, how she came to be here, but most importantly, if she will stay with me and accept the bond. Both of my hearts pound in nervousness.

I hope Haley will say yes. I hope she will consent to the amoris bond. The thought of not being by her side when she wakes every morning, of never hearing her laughter or seeing her bright smile leaves a hollow space inside me that aches.

I want to be by her side. To protect her and keep her safe. To make sure she has enough to eat and she’s warm and comfortable. During the time we have spent together, I have realized there is no satisfaction greater than pleasing my mate – to see her devour the food I hunted or to hear her hums of enjoyment as she bathes.

Well, there may be one more satisfying feeling. . . making my mate moan and clench her thighs around my head as I taste her.

My cock immediately hardens at that thought. Not that it takes much for me to grow hard at the thought of Haley – I have existed in a state of lingering arousal for days now ever since I first met her. If I am being honest with myself, ever since I first saw her.

I should have known then that she was my mate, but I did not think it was possible for a Laediriian to bond with another species.

But it is. My newly awakened second heart that beats only for her, the mateblood that flows through my veins strengthening me and urging me to claim her, the electrifying connection between us that is so strong it seems almost like a living being, and the small, tantalizing echo of her that I can feel inside me are all testament that she is my spirit mate and I am hers.

Even now, though we are separated by walls, I can still detect a glimmer of pure bliss and peace blooming inside my chest that I know is Haley. And she accepts the mate bond between us, then that faint connection will grow stronger until it is almost like a physical tether connecting us.

I have just finished setting the food out on the small table and I am starting to second guess myself on whether I have chosen foods my mate will enjoy when Haley exits the sanitation room. I can only stand and stare at her as it feels like my hearts will beat out of my chest and appear in front of me.

Her long, hair is wet and clings to her glistening skin. Her scent is fresh and she smells of dried lamia leaves that we use as a cleanser. But beneath that, I can still detect the same sweet fragrance that is unique to Haley. I have the strongest urge to lick my mate from top to bottom, but I push it down.

Trails of water have spread from Haley’s hair onto the blue dress she wears and the fabric clings to her body, showing off her luscious curves. The two protrusions from her chest draw my attention and I notice the small nipples in the center of them poke against the material of her dress as if they are begging for my attention. My mouth waters as I think about answering their call and drawing them between my lips.

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