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I take a deep breath of the stale air and look down at Draggar laid out in front me.

His breathing has slowed down from what it was earlier and his face is no longer drawn tight with pain. He looks relaxed, and I am grateful for that. I curl up next to him and place my hand on his chest right over where his heart would be if he was human. It beats strong and steady under my hand. A little too strong. In fact, I’d almost swear there’s two hearts in there.

I shake my head with a bemused smile, and I let the comforting rhythm soothe me. He’s alive, and that’s all that matter.

I hope his cousin is right and he will be okay because as crazy as it sounds, I cannot imagine my life without this strong alien warrior in it.


I don’t know how much time has passed but based on the angle of the slanting sun through the large window, it must be close to midday.

After a while, the mess in the hut began to bother me and my urge to clean when I’m agitated took over. I probably should have asked Vrenner for permission before I started, but I didn’t want to bother him.

By the time, Draggar begins to stir, I’ve figured out how to use the small stone sink in the little kitchen and washed the various bowls that were scattered around. I’m still amazed that the primitive looking hut actually has running water, but I guess I shouldn’t be. I mean, they have translator chips and all the other gadgets I saw spread out in Vrenner’s workshop.

I also managed to find the source of the mystery odor – it was a large round piece of moldy food that I think was some kind of fruit that I suspect Vrenner forgot about and left on a shelf in the kitchen. I push down the urge to gag at the memory of the mushy blob that had started growing what looked like hair. Unless. . . oh, shit, what if they have fruit that grows hair here?

I hurry back over to the bed to see Draggar’s eyelids flutter open, and I smile with relief at the sight.

A grunt escapes Draggar’s mouth as his silver gaze roams all over my face. I sit down beside him and say, “Please tell me you’re okay.”

A beaming smile of pure joy stretches across his face at my words, the dimple in his cheek flashing at me. “I can understand you.”

He reaches out and brushes his strong calloused hand over my cheekbone and I nuzzle against his skin before pressing a kiss to his palm. Just that tiny touch from him inflames me and sends a bolt of lightning straight to my pussy.

Draggar takes a deep breath, and his nostrils flare out widely, and not for the first time, I wonder if he can smell my arousal. I really hope not, because that would be really embarrassing. Especially considering I’ve been basically walking around with a constant lady boner ever since we met.

It feels like there are thousands of butterflies fluttering around in my stomach as the desire that always seems to be at a low simmer between us grows. He leans forward and I meet him halfway, and our lips touch with a groan emerging from both of us.

Our kiss is hard and deep like we’re both starved for each other. It stretches on until finally, his tongue plunges into my mouth, and I whimper at the invasion.

I can feel the tension that wracks Draggar’s body as he puts his arm around me and he pulls me down to sprawl against his chest. I lose myself in his touch and the surge of need that continues to grow inside me until it threatens to consume me.

His cock is a hard bar beneath me, and I feel a rumbled growl go through him when I shift against it. My clit throbs in response and my folds grow even wetter with arousal.

I want nothing more right now than to feel Draggar deep inside me, and I’m on the verge of reaching down and pulling off my dress when I notice movement out of the corner of my eye. A split second later, the clearing of a throat interrupts us, and we reluctantly pull apart.

My cheeks burn hot with embarrassment as I glance up.

Vrenner stands in the doorway to his workshop with a teasing grin stretched across his angular face.

“I apologize for the interruption, but now that you are recovered, I thought you might like to know Chief Daggir said last night at the evening meal that he wishes to speak with you as soon as you are available.”

Draggar drags his attention away from me and turns to look at his cousin, his eyes narrowed. “As soon as I am available. . . Were those his words?” His forehead is creased in a frown and the gold in his eyes recedes as I watch.

“Yes, his exact words.” Vrenner chuckles before asking, “What have you done, now, cousin?”

“It could be many things.” Draggar sees the concerned expression on my face and strokes his hand against my cheek and through my hair before reassuring me. “I am sure it is nothing to worry about, Haley. Chief Daggir enjoys reminding me that I am his subordinate every so often. Come, let us go to ou. . . my hut. I am sure you are hungry and would like to use the sanitation room.”

He rises from the bed, taking care not to move too quickly after having just woken up. I remember how sore my head felt after the Zyfeliks implanted the translator chip inside me, and I wince in sympathy.

I lean against Draggar and he wraps his arm around my shoulders as we make our way across the room towards the door. He calls out to his cousin, “You have my gratitude for your help, cousin, but I would like to keep this between us for now.”

I absentmindedly wave goodbye at Vrenner just before we pass through the doorway. I’m eager to get Draggar alone and finish what we started, especially now that he can understand me.

Vrenner’s startled words filter through the thick door to me. “What happened to my hut?”

Chapter 22

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