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Draggar groans and gently drags the edge of a fang against my clit, making me gasp aloud at the sensation. I shiver at the thought of his sharp fangs so near my delicate flesh, but it sends a zing of electricity that spreads from my clit all the way up to my chest. My folds are so wet now that arousal drips down and coats my upper thighs.

I can feel Draggar’s fingers move from where he’s been clutching my thigh to rub softly around my entrance, almost as if he’s asking for permission.

Permission granted.

“Please. Fuck me. Now.” I know I’m begging and he doesn’t understand what I’m saying, but it doesn’t matter right now. The only thing that matters is answering the out-of-control need scorching through me. I reach down and thread my fingers through his silky hair pulling him closer to my pussy making my need for him undeniable.

He glides a thick finger inside me, pumping in and out and exploring my depths. Meanwhile, his tongue swipes from my opening up to my clit in a slow lick that has me clenching my knees against his ears.

A second finger and then a third finger joins the other already inside me, and I can feel my pussy stretch a little to accommodate their thickness. I moan at the delightful feeling of fullness and cling to him as my inner walls clench around his digits.

I can only imagine how amazing his cock would feel if his fingers feel this good. With each pump and each lick of his tongue, I’m driven higher and higher. The pinnacle of my orgasm quickly looms closer with every touch from the magnificently talented man perched between my thighs.

After the orgasm I had yesterday, my body has been at a low simmer and it doesn’t take long before I’m coming. My back arches and I throw my head back as my body clenches and a mind-numbing orgasm crests over me.

Waves of pleasure wash over me. It’s the most intense orgasm I have ever had, and I’m honestly not sure if I will survive it. If I don’t, what a way to go. My muscles strain and I can feel my core clenching around Draggar’s fingers causing him to release a tortured moan.

I float in a fog of ecstasy as I come down from my orgasm to feel Draggar’s tongue softly licking my pussy, lapping up every drop of arousal as if he will die if he doesn’t. Who knows, maybe he will. Maybe the Laediriians survive by licking pussies. I grin at that thought. All I know is, I’m not complaining.

Laediriian women are the luckiest in the universe.

Chapter 20


The chirping of liseks sounds through the trees as we make our way down the path. Haley and I have just passed the stream that indicates we have entered Anuriix territory, now, and I can feel the tense set of my muscles relax with relief.

My mate will be safe with my tribe.

Even though they do not know of Haley, yet, and I am not looking forward to explaining why I have waited so long to tell them of her existence or where I have been – I know they will accept her as one of our own. She is my spirit mate, and nothing is more important than that. She will be honored and protected not just by me, but by the entire tribe. No matter if she accepts the bond or not, she will be safe.

But if she does, she will be one of us, a member of the Anuriix tribe.

I glance over at Haley and marvel at her as she confidently walks along beside me.

I surprised her after sunrise with a new set of clothing and boots. Seeing her curves displayed in clothing reminiscent of the traditional attire of Laediriian females sends a thread of warmth through my chest and my second heart pumps out a fast beat. The dark blue leather of the dress makes her eyes look even brighter and somehow bluer and the boots, similar to my own, offer protection to her delicate feet.

I noticed how she tried so hard to clean and repair her strange clothing, even though they appeared beyond repair. Her shoes, which were made of some sort of soft fabric I have never seen before, had ceased to provide any sort of protection long ago, and her garments were much too heavy for the temperatures of the hottest season on Laedirissae.

I used the scrof hide along with the small sewing kit I carry to quickly fashion her new clothing. It is not of the same quality as what some of my other tribe members can create and I was almost embarrassed to give the garments to my mate. But Haley seemed to be pleased with the new clothing when I gave it to her.

My skin flushes hot as I remember how she threw her arms around me and fused her mouth to mine, our kiss quickly deepening until we were both panting hard. It had taken every bit of control I possess to stop before we went any further. It had already been an act of immense determination to not go any further when I gave her pleasure this morning.

Especially when she looked at me with so much need like she actually wanted to give me pleasure, too.

Only a little longer. Once I get the translator chip, I can explain the mate bond and all that it entails. Then, Haley can tell me if she wants to complete the bond or not.

The universe could not have sent me a better mate than Haley, and I feel my chest swell with happiness every time I look at her. I just hope she feels the same way about me.

We are near the outskirts of my village, and I have a decision to make. Should I go ahead and take Haley into the village center and introduce her to the other members of my tribe or should I ask her to wait for me somewhere on the outskirts? Somewhere hidden, perhaps.

I glance over at Haley and lock gazes with her, and the trusting smile she sends me makes my decision for me. I do not want to be parted from my mate. Not for even one moment, if it can be helped.

But that does not mean we should traipse through the center of the village with everyone staring.

It is still early in the day and even though the ground has not completely dried out from the storm that recently came through Anuriix territory, the warriors and hunters will be up and about already. The other males in the tribe will be awake and stirring, as well. I do not want to stumble upon any of them just yet.

My tribe’s village is clasped in the protective arms of the Monadh Mountains and it provides security in addition to the tall wall around our settlement. The mountain range is dotted with caves and passages, and I recall the passage that is kept secret from everyone except a select few tribe members. It is meant to be an escape route should we ever have need of it. I hope we will not.

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