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I want to believe so badly that she didn’t. That she’s not somewhere out there lost or even worse a meal for one of the predators that call this planet home. And I’ve decided that until I know otherwise, I’m going to try to be optimistic and believe that that is not the case.

Like my mom always said, “There’s no sense in borrowing trouble.”

So, I’m not going to borrow trouble. I am going to hope – no, believe – that Zoe is safe. But I’m also going to do everything I can to get back to my friends. Which means I’m going to have to convince Draggar to help us.

And I’m positive he will help us. Every interaction I’ve had with the big teal alien has only demonstrated that he’s an honorable and caring man. He may look like a hardened warrior with his muscles and weapons, but he’s a total softie.

He’ll help us. At least, I think he would if I could actually explain to him that we need help. If only he could understand me.

Before long, the warmth in the cave and the relaxed, cozy atmosphere begin to work on me and I let out a giant yawn that earns me a warm glance from Draggar.

He’s still sitting nearby working on his leather project, and while I would love a repeat of the orgasm he gave me earlier today, I don’t want to seem like a demanding hoe who only wants him to service me. I shake my head at that thought with a soft chuckle and tell him good night before heading to the sleeping pallet.

My last image before closing my eyes and slipping away to slumber is of Draggar bent over the piece of leather with what looks like a needle and thread. I want to laugh at the absurdity of an alien warrior sewing, but I’m too sleepy. Tomorrow, I can laugh about it.


I wake up slowly and look around. The twin moons still cast a beam of light through the entrance to the cave and the small birds that I’ve come to learn are called liseks are calling softly to each other from the trees outside. Draggar said liseks only make noises like that in the morning, so I’m guessing it must be pretty early still.

My whole backside is warm and toasty, and I realize I’m cuddled up next to Draggar with my butt nestled against his groin. His very large, very hard groin.

He’s aroused, astoundingly so, and with a gasp, I give an experimental wriggle against the thick bar of flesh pressed against me.

Draggar lets out a sleepy groan and the arm that’s thrown around my waist tightens, pulling me closer.

Arousal immediately shoots through my body, and I grind my butt back against him. I hope he understands that I am totally okay with taking this further. A lot further. Like all the way. He may not be able to understand my words, but surely, he can understand this.

That’s when I feel Draggar bury his face against my neck and take a deep breath before swiping his rough tongue out to lick my skin.

Holy shit. That tongue.

A shiver runs down my body and I whimper in response. I swear, I dreamed about his tongue last night and the things he did to me with it. He trails his nose over my neck and around to my face, inhaling long drags of my scent like a predator on the prowl.

Before I can even utter a good morning to him, Draggar fastens his mouth onto mine, plunging his tongue deep inside. My head swims as the sheer intensity of our kiss threatens to consume me.

That same primal lust flows between us quickly growing the spark that flares between us into an blaze of want. Need. I once again wonder why everything feels so intense with him. It’s unlike any experience I’ve ever had before, and I’m worried I could become hooked on it.

On him.

My thoughts are disrupted as he presses me to my back and settles his heavy body over me. I can feel his cock nestled against my stomach, hard and throbbing with need, and I want so much to explore it. To explore him. To give him pleasure, too.

Fantasies of tearing away the loincloth that covers his erection flash through my head. Using my mouth on him, licking and sucking, and watching his eyes roll back into his head as I devour his cock until he erupts with an orgasm. I’ve never liked giving head, but this is different. Draggar is different.

Just the thought of making him come has turned me on so much that I can feel the slickness of arousal pooling between my thighs.

My hands have been gripping Draggar’s shoulders so tightly that my nails have dug into his flesh, but I move them down his body eager to make my fantasy a reality. My curiosity about what lies behind his loincloth knows no bounds. I have yet to see his dick, but I plan to very soon.

But before I can reach any further than the thick ridges that cover his hard abdomen, Draggar grabs my hands and gently places them on either side of my head, holding them firmly in place.

I shake my head and grumble in protest, but he pulls back for a moment to grin at me. His silver eyes have turned molten gold with arousal again and a twinkle of wickedness flashes in them. I open my mouth to tell him to let me go, to let me continue my exploration, but he doesn’t give me a chance.

He determinedly moves down my body, and I realize what his goal is only a split second before his mouth latches onto my pussy. Stars burst in front of my eyes and a sound I didn’t think I was capable of producing erupts from my mouth.

If I thought yesterday was amazing, it was nothing compared to today.

This amazing, sexy alien learned what I enjoy and how my body responds, and now, he’s using all of that knowledge to attack my sensitive flesh with unrelenting dedication. It feels like he’s trying to devour me whole, starting with my pussy, and I am completely okay with that.

He sucks my engorged clit in between his lips, his rough tongue rolling it around. A rumbling growl erupts from his mouth, and the vibrations send a bolt of lightning through me that shoots straight to my pussy. I’m panting, now, so loudly that it sounds like I’ve run a marathon, and my hands ball up into fists clutching desperately at the fur pallet beneath me.

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