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Suddenly, a shout rings out near me, and I realize the Tussoll have even more sentries stationed around their village than I thought.

Before I can react, a high-pitched whistle sounds out followed by a muffled thwack. Small vibrations spread through the tree trunk I’m leaning against. Peering beside, I see the still quivering shaft of an arrow buried in the bark. It is right near my shoulder and just barely missed striking me.

Adrenalin surges through my veins and my muscles bunch ready to act. It’s obvious I have been spotted by a sentry and he will alert the others.

I have a choice to make, now. I can stand and fight against them or I can try to escape and make my way back to the cave where I left Haley without leading them to her. It goes against everything in me to run away instead of staying behind to fight, but I know it is the right decision.

I take off at a swift pace hoping to outrun the male who has spotted me, but my pursuer is right behind me. More shouts echo around me, and I know the male has alerted the other sentries. For the second time today, I find myself being chased through the jungle and by the sounds that reach my ears, they are far too close for my comfort.

Arrows and spears whiz past me like a swarm of angry insectoids intent on stinging me, and I am forced to zigzag through the jungle to dodge them. Just as I jump over a large pit in the ground created by erosion, a spear slams into the ground in the same spot I was in only a moment before.

Fear courses down my spine and settles like a ball in my stomach making me push myself to an even faster pace. They cannot capture me. The Tussoll are on alert for a reason, and I shudder to think what they will do to me if they catch me. I cannot imagine it will be pleasant.

Even worse is the thought of Haley waking up to find herself alone and then leaving the cave only to be discovered by the Tussoll. My chest tightens with fear. I never should have left her.

I continue to sprint through the jungle, mustering all of my strength and stamina to increase the distance between myself and the males chasing me. The predominant greens and blues of the jungle pass by me in a blur as I speed past, my feet barely touching the ground. Arrows fly through the air and land all around me as I dodge them, but they’re becoming more sporadic than before.

The Tussoll warriors are losing ground. My blood zings through my veins almost making them vibrate and my heart pounds so hard it feels as if I have two of them beating away in my chest firing my muscles and giving me another burst of energy to draw upon. I will make it.

Just when I think I have finally created enough distance between myself and my pursuers to be out of reach of their weapons, a Tussoll warrior fires one last arrow at me. The projectile whistles as it soars high into the air and then descends to plunge into my side with a loud thwunk that rattles through my bones.

Sard! I have been shot.

I stumble at the realization and my vision tunnels as the pain sears along my nerve endings like fire, making me want to cry out, but I fight the urge. Blood drips down my skin and onto my loincloth, quickly staining the material, and I grit my teeth against the pain that is unlike any I have ever felt.

I must keep running and put as much distance as possible between me and the Tussoll village. I have to return to the cave to Haley. I must keep her safe.

Blackness swarms my vision, threatening to suck me under, but I push past it and continue to sprint over the ground as fast as I can manage. There is one thought in my mind urging me on.

Haley. Her blue eyes beckon me and her soft voice urges me on, calling to me.

I stumble through the jungle, and I know that I’m growing weaker by the second. But then I hear it. The rush of water as it trickles over rocks. There is a stream nearby, and I quickly change course to seek it out.

When I near it, I sink down to my knees on the rocky bank of the wide stream. The clear water feels cool on my skin as I cup it in my hands and bring it to my lips to drink. It is fresh and cold, and my parched throat is soothed as I gulp it down.

Once I drink my fill of the water, I twist and grab onto the arrow shaft that still protrudes from my side. This is going to hurt, but it must be done. I brace myself and with a muffled groan that forces itself out from between clenched teeth, I yank the arrow from my flesh. A bitter aroma reaches my nostrils and I shake my head in confusion before tossing the arrow underneath a bush. Spots swim in my vision and darkness threatens to pull me under, but I clench my teeth in determination.

I have been shot by an arrow before during battle with the Pugj and I remember what it felt like, but this is different. Something is very different this time.

My vision wavers as I stagger to my feet. Blood runs down my side from the angry wound and lands on the rocks beneath my feet. I growl in frustration. If I continue through the jungle like this, the bloody trail I leave behind will lead the Tussoll straight to me and to Haley.

There must be something. . . I glance up at the sky and then, I eye the flowing waters of the stream in front of me with speculation. It might just work.

Swaying, I stumble over the rocks and wade out into the middle until the water reaches my waist. It’s not very deep, but the current is swift enough. The cave where I left Haley is downstream from here. The current of the stream can carry me there, and I will only have to walk a short distance to reach her. This way, I will reach Haley faster than my feet can carry me and I will not risk leading the Tussoll to her.

Even in my weakened state, I know I must be careful to not lead any of the other tribe’s males back to her. She must be protected no matter what.

With a groan, I lean back, my silver hair floating around me, and let the swift current carry me away. Back to Haley.

Chapter 14


A fire crackles across the room spreading its warm glow to me.

I’m snuggled underneath a cozy blanket enjoying a cup of steaming hot cocoa with marshmallows and reading a book about a dashing silver-haired hero. A thick stack of books waits on the table beside me and I’m planning to plow through every one of them.

Going on vacation was the best possible choice I could make, and I already feel more relaxed.

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