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After our escape away from the tiniios and detouring away from the vicinity of the Tussoll village, I finally managed to find the network of caves. Haley slept through the entire journey nestled against my chest, her warm breath puffing gently against my skin and somehow warming me from the inside out. Carrying her in my arms with her scent in my nose and her soft hands curled around me left me with a sense of peace like I have never felt before.

And yet, my curiosity has only increased. I still wonder why she was out in the jungle all by herself. Was she searching for something? Did something happen to cause her to leave the ship? How I wish I could wake her and ask her all of the questions tumbling through my mind, but fatigue is written clearly on her face, and so, I let her sleep. It is not like I would be able to understand, not until I acquire a translator chip from Vrenner.

I scouted out one of the smaller caves that had no signs of any creatures using it as their den recently. It was the perfect spot to safely settle Haley while I did some quick reconnaissance around the Tussoll village. I created a small nest, wishing that I had the much softer furs from my bed to cushion her body.

Instead, I spread out the sleeping pallet that I use while on a hunt and gently laid her down on it. She looked so peaceful curled up asleep that it was difficult to tear my gaze away from her, but I did, knowing that the sooner I left for my mission, the sooner I could return to Haley.

I left behind my satchel with a waterskin and a pouch of trail rations in case she awakens before I return, but I hope she will sleep through my absence. I don’t like the thought of Haley waking up alone in a strange place, scared and confused. A strong urge to protect her and to care for her beats through my chest, and I do not know what to make of it.

I push away the confusion I feel about this strange female and continue on my way towards my destination.

Hurrying through the jungle on silent feet, after a while I notice the undergrowth and trees have begun to thin – a sign that I am near the Tussoll village. Nearly half of their territory is comprised of wide-open plains, with fewer trees than my own tribe’s territory, and their village sits near the edge of the plains. Unfortunately, that means there will be less places to hide and I will be more likely to be discovered.

I decide to keep to the edge of the trees that skirts along the perimeter of the village and get as close as I can without risking exposure. I have no desire for any members of the tribe to find me and delay my return to Haley.

Even now, I resist the strong urge to abandon my mission and return to the cave to her side. With each step that I take further away from her, the pull to return to her grows stronger until my heart beats so loudly that I fear the Tussoll will hear it.

I have never felt like this, and I am not sure what is wrong with me. Why am I so drawn to this strange alien creature? I have only just met her, and she is not even the same species. She is so unlike a Laediriian female, but even with her frail body and tiny, muted features, I feel drawn to her. It does not matter that she is not my species, I want her.

The tumult of unfamiliar feelings and thoughts flowing through me leaves me confused. I do not understand what is happening.

As I approach the other tribe’s village, I notice sentries placed strategically around the exterior of it. I would have stumbled right on top of the first guard had the male not uncorked a bottle of kifir to alleviate his boredom. The sour aroma from the drink drifted to me making my nostrils flare and alerting me to the fact that I wasn’t alone.

After that, I was on high alert with my senses tuned to notice any other differences in the environment around me. It was not hard, then, to discover three more sentries stationed among the brush.

The Tussoll village seems to be alarmingly well guarded. Unlike the Xeniiv village.

So far, none of the sentries have noticed me, but that could always change. While my skin allows me to blend in with my surroundings and I am being careful to stay downwind, it is not foolproof, and I could always be spotted. Any noise or whiff of scent could give my presence away.

Just like all Laediriians, the Tussoll have enhanced senses giving them an edge over other species. It is what made our species such excellent and feared warriors on our home planet.

I quietly glide past another sentry, watching the male carefully to make sure he has not noticed my presence. Glancing at my surroundings, I realize that I have managed to almost reach the outer edge of the wall around the village.

On the other side of the wall, a large plume of smoke rises high into the sky. It is most likely the central fire pit the tribe uses for cooking meals. The scent of burning pican wood in the air only makes my curiosity grow.

The wood comes from the pican tree, and when it is used to cook with, it lends a spicy, yet sweet flavor to meat that makes it treasured by all the tribes. Since there are few pican trees on our planet and they only grow at high altitudes, the tribes decided long ago that the wood would only be used for special feasts.

The trees and undergrowth are even thinner in this area, and my shoulders are drawn tight with tension as I try to stay out of sight. My senses are heightened and constantly filtering through the odors and noises around me, and it is not long before I detect something else out of the ordinary.

My ears swivel as the sound of a chorus of guttural voices melding together reaches my hiding place behind the trunk of a cupressi tree. The gravelly tune is one I immediately recognize. It is an old chant that is traditionally performed after a battle victory by the returning warriors. But when have the Tussoll fought a battle?

Our only real enemy on this planet is the Pugj, and I have not heard of any battles fought with them lately. Not since the end of last year’s hottest season when the Pugj raided each tribe’s hunting grounds and our food stores attacking any Laediriians they came across. They typically spend the other seasons on top of their mountain, and do not come down until well after the warm weather has arrived.

As I stand still, quietly listening, an unpleasant odor reaches me, burning my nose and throat and I freeze in recognition. Shocked disbelief clouds my thoughts as moments later, I spot a hunting party returning to the village. A lone Laediriian warrior is accompanied by two Pugj who casually stroll out of the line of trees with the carcasses of three large beasts thrown over their shoulders.

The Pugj are bulky beings with scraggly gray hair that covers almost the entirety of their bodies. They are a species who display no external sex organs and that combined with their hairiness means they wear no clothing. Their faces are hairless with gray skin and bulbous mouths that contain many sharp serrated teeth that it’s rumored they use on their captives. Long black claws stick out from the hands and feet. A noxious musk follows them around wherever they go perfuming the air, and I briefly wonder how the Laediriian male can stand to be so near the Pugj without gagging.

I glance at the carcasses the Pugj carry and notice the animals have been decapitated and many shallow knife wounds cover their flesh. It is said the Pugj enjoy the fear of their prey and tales abound that they can actually taste the fear when they consume the flesh of their prey. A scowl crosses my face as I think of the warriors who have been captured by the Pugj – the ones who managed to escape and the ones who succumbed to their captors.

The warrior who accompanies the Pugj is broad, even for a Laediriian, with a scar that trails from his forehead down over his brow and ends in a slash at his lips, pulling his mouth down on one side in a permanent scowl as if he is angry at the entire planet.

I watch as the Pugj and the warrior disappear through the gates of the village together and I feel my confusion and anger deepen. What on Laedirissae is going on here?

The Pugj are our enemies. They kill any Laediriians they come across, no matter if it is a warrior, hunter, or a kitling. And when they can, they steal our warriors, taking them back to their mountain settlement. Why would any Laediriian associate with them?

When the Pugj first appeared on Laedirissae, our ancestors were welcoming to the newcomers, but the other species rejected any overtures. They made it clear they did not wish to have an alliance with any non-Pugj beings. It is not unusual for some species to be insular like that, so our ancestors basically shrugged their shoulders and went about their lives, respectful of the Pugj’s decision. But then, the raids began, and they brought death and destruction to our people and no one was safe.

And unlike Laediriians, the Pugj do not seem to be nearing extinction. As our numbers have dwindled, theirs seem to have remained constant. We do not know exactly how they reproduce as no Pugj females have ever been observed. But then, their species seems to only have internal sex organs, so perhaps it would be difficult to tell. No matter, I have long suspected they wish to expand their territory and seize our villages.

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