Page 120 of Finding Mr. Write

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“Do that again,” he rasped.

“Yes sir.” She pulled him into her, just a little and he let out a deep groan.

“Or maybe not,” he said. “Or you’ll see how bad my self-control is.”

“Good.” She leaned toward his ear. “Show me how little self-control you can have, Chris Stanton. That’s what I really want to see.”

He chuckled. “Good thing I brought a full box of protection.”

“Only one box? Then it’s a good thing I brought my own.”

She put her arms around his neck and pulled her to him.



They’d forgotten to close the hotel room drapes. No idea how that could have happened. It wasn’t like they’d been busy or anything.

Chris chuckled to himself as he stretched in bed. Busy was one way of putting it. Followed by exhausted.

The curtains had been closed enough that they hadn’t been putting on a show, but they were cracked open and he roused from sleep as sunlight seeped in. He glanced at the clock. Another twenty minutes until the alarm went off. Good.

He stretched again, his leg rubbing Daphne’s. They’d lost the sheets at some point, and he wasn’t complaining about that. He folded his arm on the pillow, head propped on his bicep as he took in her naked form.

Oh, he’d looked plenty last night, but this was different. Last night they’d both been in motion. Lots of motion. A glimpse of her breasts, a blur of her thighs, all of it caught in separate snapshots. Now he got to feast his gaze on the whole of her, stretched out, the swell of her wide hips, the curve of her thighs, smooth and taut with muscle, and then her breasts, full and…

“Are you ogling me, Stanton?” Her voice came heavy with sleep, eyes still closed.


She shifted onto her back, and lifted her arms, folding them behind her head to give him a better view.

“Tell me the alarm didn’t go off,” she said.

“The alarm did not go off.”

She opened one eye, long lashes parting.

“I’m serious,” he said. “We have eighteen minutes left.”

She groaned and stretched. “Not enough.”

“You can sleep on the plane.”

That one open eye turned his way. “I don’t want sleep, and what I do want is best not done on planes.”

“Are you sure? ’Cause those business-class restrooms are pretty big.”

The other golden-brown eye opened as she poked his chest. “Don’t tempt me. That would be wrong. Fun, but wrong. And if we end our tour getting barred from plane travel, we’re in trouble.”

“Nah. We’ll rent an RV with a king-size bed. Have sex in every state and province as we cross the country back home.”

“That is oddly tempting.” She lifted her head. “But you know what’s even more tempting? Finding out how much it would cost to change our flight today.”

“Actually, that might be a good idea. I think I’m coming down with something.” He fake-coughed. “I’ve shaken a lot of hands in three days. A few more hours in bed should fix it.”

“A few more hours in bed would fix a lot of things.”
