Page 119 of Finding Mr. Write

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That grin sparked again. “Are you?”

“You know how some people like to be behind the wheel and some like to take the passenger seat? I like both. Switch it up.”

“Then, as long as I’m driving…” His hands went back under her skirt. “Sit back and enjoy.”

Daphne glanced forward, making absolutely sure the driver couldn’t see anything. Then she relaxed.

Chris’s fingers found their place, and he leaned toward her ear. “Do you know how hot you look right now?”

She closed her eyes and struggled to keep her expression neutral as he worked his magic. Her rock-hard nipples pressed against the fabric, and with his free hand, he pulled her blouse tight, as if getting a better look.

“You sure you want to go back to the hotel room?” he whispered. “I could take you out dancing. Show you off.”

She groaned and parted her legs a little more.

“You like that?” he said with a low chuckle. “Take you dancing like this? No panties, no bra, looking so damned hot? I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off you. Get you into a dark corner, pull up your skirt and…”

He whispered the rest. She bit back a hard gasp as the first wave hit. He didn’t stop. Not with his fingers and not with his words, spinning the most deliciously dirty fantasy as waves of orgasm rocked her. When they slowed, she snuggled into him and slid her hand down to his crotch, where he was so damned hard—

“Here we are!” the driver chirped.

Daphne flew back away from Chris, who only chuckled and reached past her for the curbside door. He helped her out and remembered her bag. He even carried it, which was so thoughtful and not at all because he needed it to hide the erection tenting his trousers.

Two seconds later, they were in an empty elevator.

“Cameras?” Chris said.

She looked around the ancient elevator. “I don’t see any.”


He swung around and pinned her against the wall, shoving her skirt up as he wrapped her legs around—

The bell dinged, and he spun around, just as the doors opened. A guy got on and hit the button for the next floor. He looked over at Daphne, his gaze settling on her chest, where it was—yep—really obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra.

Chris moved to block the guy’s view. The elevator stopped again, and the guy got out. The moment the doors closed, Chris had her against the wall, hiking her skirt as he pressed into her.

She double-checked. Definitely no cameras? All right then. She pulled her skirt up around her bare hips so she could lock her legs around him better, and pressed into him. As he kissed her, his fingers went to her shirt buttons. A brief pause, making sure she was okay with it, and when she didn’t react, he unbuttoned them and reached in to cup her breasts—

The elevator dinged, and she jumped.

“Our floor,” Chris said.

He set her down, shielding her as the doors opened until he seemed confident no one was around. Then he squeezed her bare ass before letting her skirt fall and putting his hand around her waist.

“Coast is clear,” he said as he leaned out of the elevator. “Up to you whether you want to button up. I’ll just be unbuttoning it again the moment we’re in our room.”

She read the challenge there. The sexiest kind of challenge, where he was suggesting something just a little bit dirty, and giving her every opportunity to say no.

She left the shirt unbuttoned after he made sure the hall was indeed clear. Then he led her to his room, pressed her up against the wall, and kissed her again. Another challenge? All right then. She hiked her skirt and got her legs around him, the air-conditioning from the hall cool against her bare ass. He spread her shirt wide as his hands cupped her breasts. His fingers teased her nipples, making her gasp. A quick look up and down the hall, and she slid her hand between them, flicking open his button and then unzipping his fly and reaching in.

His one hand left her breast and he pulled back, wordlessly lifting the key card.

“Probably wise,” she whispered against his ear. “Unless you want me riding you in the hallway.”

His breath caught, and she grinned. She pulled his cock out of his boxers, her hand wrapped tight around him while she listened for anyone in the hall. Then she arched up and rubbed the tip of him against her, letting herself close around that tip. He gasped and fumbled to open the hotel room door so fast she had to laugh.

He swung them inside, and the door was still closing when he had her against the wall, skirt up. She reached and wrapped her hand around him.
