Page 8 of Love Betrayal

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She has the nerve to smirk. “That was Julianna.”

“You didn’t stop her.”

She shrugs, amusement dancing in her eyes. “I wanted to see how it played out.”

“You knew how it would play out,” I reply, nuzzling her neck and gently biting her soft skin. “You are mine, but apparently you like to be reminded of that.”

“I do when I haven’t heard from you in two days,” she replies, sighing in pleasure as I kiss her jawline. “But you’ve obviously heard me.”

“Loud and clear,” I say, and then slide back into her.

“Good, then hopefully we won’t have another misunderstanding like this again. But River... I can’t wait forever. I know you need to go slow, but there are things I want from life and I need to know if you and I could do those things together. And if you can’t...”

I stop her with a kiss. This is getting too serious, too real. She doesn’t even know who I really am. I’m not ready to deal with that right now. The physical part has never been hard for us, pun not intended. We could fuck all day and night, and if I could be with her all the time, then I would. This is the first time I’ve brought her back to the Devils clubhouse, and I guess doing that makes it pretty fucking official. The men are only just getting used to having Julianna there full-time, so I didn’t want to push them any further until they’re ready.

Last thing they need to think is that the Angels are taking over our clubhouse. But it’s not my fault their women are so fucking sexy, and this one has had me enthralled from the moment I laid eyes on her. So now they know. And I hope to bring her here more often. Things will need to change if I want to truly fit her into my life, and that means trusting that she will maybe accept me once she gets to know me.

Maybe that’s asking too much, I know.

My phone starts ringing, but I ignore it.

And then I show her once more who she belongs to.

Chapter Three


As usual, Romeo keeps calling River at the worst time, so as soon as we’ve had a shower together, he leaves me alone in his room.

His room that I’ve never even seen until now. River has always met me at my place, which has more privacy. A few men saw me being carried into their clubhouse, so I know they’re probably all gossiping about it as we speak. Whoever said women gossip more than men have never been to a clubhouse of bikers. There are no secrets here, and everyone knows everyone’s business.

I get dressed and then have a look around his room while I’m in here alone, because what else would I do? It doesn’t seem like he has many belongings. The wooden California king bed takes up the center of the space. There’s a massive television mounted on the wall and mirrored sliding doors conceal his closet. The dark curtains and bedsheets give it almost a cabin-like feel. There are no photos or little knickknacks or anything like that, nothing really personalized. I slide open the mirror and touch his rack of clothing, all in black or denim, and eye his stash of weapons all perfectly placed and organized. He clearly likes things neat and tidy.

I jump out of my skin as the door opens and I wince at being caught red-handed snooping through his shit, but it’s not River standing there. Instead, it’s a beautiful young woman with red hair, freckles and a knowing smirk.

“Don’t worry, if I were you, I’d be doing the exact same,” she says, lip twitching. Her hazel eyes are warm, yet somehow sad.

I slide the door shut, clearing my throat. “I don’t know what you mean.” We both laugh at my outright lie.

“I’m Corey,” she introduces, offering me her hand. “River’s sister. He told me to come and keep you company while he’s helping Romeo contain some kind of disaster, no doubt. Can I get you something to drink or eat?”

I smile. “I’m Bella, and yes, I’d love something to drink.”

“I know who you are,” she replies, beckoning me to follow her out. “We’ve all heard about River’s woman, but none of us have met you in person besides Romeo, and, of course, Julianna. The men were questioning if you even existed.” She pauses. “I mean, not to River’s face, anyway.”

I laugh and follow her out into the hallway, and then through to the kitchen where she opens the fridge wide. “Okay, we have beer, juice, soda...”

“I’ll have a soda, please.”

She pulls out two colas and hands me one. In the natural light, her hazel eyes are stunning. She looks nothing like River, but I wonder what it’s been like growing up with him as her brother.

“You are very pretty,” she blurts out.

“Funny, I was just thinking the same about you,” I say, grinning.

A man wearing leather sticks his head in the room. “You’re River’s woman?”

I nod, lip twitching.
