Page 54 of Love Betrayal

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He starts to pace, and that’s how I know that this is something important. “Remember the night we had the party here for Jeremiah’s birthday?”


“Romeo’s mom was drunk, and she told me something. She said that my father was really Andrew, Romeo’s dad, not Robert, who I always thought was my father,” he says, stopping and pinning me with sad, blue eyes. “I asked my mom and she admitted it was true. I don’t know if Andrew knows or not, but...”

I stand up and hug him tightly. “You’ve just been holding on to that?”

“Yeah, I think I just needed to process it before I told you,” he says, rubbing my back with his big hands. “It just took me off guard. Robert was an asshole. He was abusive. You saw my mother’s eye? That was because of him. He was an angry and violent man, and he didn’t make our childhood easy. And to find out now that the whole time he wasn’t even my biological father?”

Shit. It’s a lot to process. “Do I want to ask you what happened to Robert?”

He freezes and holds my gaze. “Do you want to ask what happened to him?”

“Do you remember what I said to you when I saw you in the garage?” I know this is a turning point in our relationship.

“I do. So I want you to know that I will tell you the truth if you ask me. But we can’t walk it back once I do. Is this really what you want?”

His words give me pause. He’s going to tell me the truth. He’s going to answer me. Shit. I really think about what this would do to him and what he is saying.

I take a breath. “Let’s say I don’t ask. But assume I know. Do you think what I am assuming is correct?” I’m assuming Robert will never see the light of day.

He clenches his jaw. “It frustrates me that I know what you’re assuming. But what you are assuming is most likely true.”

I nod and put a hand on his forearm. “Thank you for being as honest as you can be with me. I love you.”

He nods his head and looks down. I know I need to change the subject. “You haven’t told Romeo? About Andrew?”

He shakes his head. “No, I don’t think I’ve been ready to speak about it until now. I know I should have told you earlier, and I’m sorry I didn’t. I just needed a little time before I said it out loud. And as for Romeo, I will talk to him. I don’t know how he’s going to take it.”

“I wish you did tell me sooner, but I understand it must have been hard for you to process. You’ve been like brothers with Romeo this whole time—this will just make it official,” I say, kissing him gently. “And I’m here for you no matter what. You know this.”

He rests his forehead against mine and closes his eyes. “It’s us against the world.”

Us and the whole MC against the world.

Chapter Twenty-Four


I feel lighter after telling Bella about what Aunty Victoria told me. And I know that I can trust her and that is fucking huge for me, because I usually don’t trust anyone.

Next up I have to tell Romeo. I know the timing isn’t the best because his stress levels are already extremely high, but waiting for the right moment will take forever.

There’s no right moment for this.

“Did you know that was Corey’s first kiss today?” Bella asks me before I leave the room to find Romeo, making me feel like utter shit.

That was her first kiss?

At nineteen years old.

I never would have guessed that. I know I’m overprotective, but I’m not always around and I never thought she’d be waiting for a kiss at her age.


She’s a good girl, and I’ve messed up big-time.

I don’t feel bad for Damon, though—that asshole should have known better, coming into my clubhouse and kissing my sister.
