Page 53 of Love Betrayal

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“I know,” he replies, sitting down on the bed in his towel. “But she’s young and inexperienced.”

“And why do you think she’s inexperienced?” I ask in a dry tone, blinking quickly. “She’s never had a chance to casually date, or do anything the rest of us did, because you scare the shit out of anyone interested in her!”

A muscle works in his jaw. “She’s not in the right place to date someone.”

“Even if that’s true, it’s her decision. It’s her life,” I say, moving closer to him and resting my head on his shoulder. “I love you, River. More than anything. But I’m telling you, she is going to pull away from you if you can’t treat her like an adult.”

“That’s my baby sister, and I don’t want her with a guy like that,” he says, gritting his teeth.

“A guy like what?” I ask, brow furrowing. “Damon is a nice person, and trust me, she could do a lot worse.”

A muscle works in his jaw. “Look, I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did, but I still don’t like it. I will apologize to her.”

“I think that’s a great idea.”

I’ve never been so happy to be an only child in my life.

Corey is sitting outside in the dark looking at the stars when I go looking for her. I turn the light on and join her.

“Damon went home?” I gather.

She nods. “Yeah, I cleaned him up and gave him an ice pack for his face. Then Romeo came back and was pissed, told Damon to go.”

I imagine he would be angry; he left the clubhouse for twenty minutes and came back to that. He’s already stressed enough with all that has been happening and with Julianna being pregnant.

“I’m sorry, Corey. That shouldn’t have turned into such a big...thing,” I mutter, reaching out and holding her hand.

“It was my fault. I’m the one who kissed him,” she says, looking over at me with tears in her eyes. “I should have been more private, I know. I was an idiot, but I just got lost in the moment.”

“It will be okay,” I promise her. “And don’t feel bad, it wasn’t your fault. I did warn Damon, so he knew what he was getting into.”

“Why am I stuck with the brother who has to be warned about?” she grumbles, scrubbing her hands down her face. “I love him, but oh my god, he can be so frustrating. It was just a kiss. My first kiss, actually, and not one I’ll be forgetting anytime soon.”

Her first kiss?

Fucking hell.

“Oh, Corey,” I sigh, really feeling for her.

The sliding door opens and a freshly dressed River steps outside, his hair damp. I stand up to leave, but Corey says, “No, don’t go.”

River sits on the other side of her. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have reacted like that. It just took me by surprise to see you...kissing someone. I’m your older brother and it’s my job to look after you. And I know how men think and I just...want you with someone good.”

“How do you know who is good if you aren’t going to give anyone a chance?” she asks, looking over at him. “I’m not a child anymore, and I need to be able to have a little freedom without worrying about you coming in with guns blazing.”

“I mean, could you not have your freedom in the clubhouse hallway?” he asks, clearing his throat.

She laughs a little. “Yeah, I guess that sounds fair.”

He holds his arms out and they hug, and it’s very sweet. And then she reaches over to me and gives me a hug, too. “Thank you,” she says, smiling.

I don’t think I did anything, but I smile in return, just happy that she’s no longer upset and the two of them are on good terms again.

We do not need any more drama for a long time.

“There’s something I need to tell you,” River says when we get back to our room.

“What is it?” I ask, sitting cross-legged on the bed.
