Page 32 of Love Betrayal

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No offense to him.

“I like him,” Romeo announces with a grin. “He adds good value.” When I hesitate, he adds, “What? You don’t like him? Is it because he tried to hit on Bella at the party? Jeremiah told me he didn’t know she was yours...”

He pulls me back, laughing, as I move to storm out there and beat the shit out of him. Okay, that doesn’t sound right, but that fucker! Not that I can blame him.

My woman is perfection.

When I step back into the room, Jag is laughing at something that Julianna is saying and Bella all but jumps into my arms.

I almost forget why I was going to murder that bastard.


“You didn’t tell me Jag tried to hit on you?” I say gently, lifting my eyes and pinning him with my stare.

He puts his hands in the air. “I didn’t know, River. And as soon as I did, trust me, I backed away. I just saw a pretty girl and tried to shoot my shot. You can’t blame me.”

“It’s true,” Bella says, pulling me away from Jag and down the hallway. “He didn’t do anything wrong.”

“He should know better,” I growl.

She rolls her eyes and opens my bedroom door. “He does now.”

The second we are locked inside, I wrap her in my arms and kiss her. She sighs contentedly, “I love you, River.”

“I love you, too,” I say, looking her in the eyes, so she knows how much I mean it. “I love you so much.” I pick her up and lay her back on the black sheets. “Let me show you just how much.”

I don’t know how she got into my icy cold heart, but when I do love, it’s with an intensity that might scare some.

But not her.

She was made for me.

Chapter Thirteen


“Hello, Bella speaking,” I answer the phone, inwardly sighing when it’s the city calling about the Lansdale property.

I was so excited about this property, but it’s soon turning into the bane of my existence, even without the Rosalind issue, and I don’t even know why our old MC president, Julianna’s father, Paulie, was so adamant that we have it, or what he wants to use it for. I hope they didn’t realize the signature was forged.

“I see—no, we don’t have any permits in the works yet,” I say, rolling my eyes.

We end the call and then I get another one straight after, asking how much I’m offering for an Angels property that just went on sale. Before I let the agent go, I ask about a two-acre estate he currently has listed. Romeo told me he wants to turn it into a massive joint clubhouse one day, and I can see why. It has everything: plenty of rooms, bathrooms, basketball court, a pool. And most importantly, it’s secure, with big-ass gates around it on a large property. The clubhouses are nice now, but this would be next-level, and it would bring the two MCs together to live permanently. It’s a big move, but one that might pay off if he plays it right.

“We will pay two million. Cash,” I tell the real estate agent, which is five hundred thousand under the asking price and a million less than what Romeo gave me for a budget.

“We will get back to you,” he says, but let’s be real, they are going to accept the offer, because they know we are good for it and it will be an easy sale. And as if we don’t know that they price houses up so there’s room to negotiate? Come on now.

At the end of the day, the last person I expect to see waiting for me outside my work is none other than Mark.

Furious, I storm over to his car and scowl into the open window. “What the hell are you doing here?” I ask. “Come to tell me about your honeymoon or something? Can’t you stalk your new woman instead?”

“Get in the car, Bella. I need to talk to you about something important,” he says, his usual jovial demeanor missing. Instead, he’s all business, with a very serious glint in his eyes.

I glance around the almost empty lot and hesitate. So he does something that shocks the hell out of me. He pulls out a fucking badge and flashes it at me.

“Bullshit,” I whisper, staring down at it. Mark is an FBI agent? Anger that I’ve never felt before fills my body. “Is this a fucking joke?”
