Page 31 of Love Betrayal

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“You drank it all already?” she asks, amusement in her tone.

“Nope, but it’s about halfway through. I had a little help,” he replies, looking over at Jag, who shrugs.

“It was good, can confirm,” the prospect adds. “Want to try some?”

Bella surprises me by replying with a “Sure” and then heading to the bar with the men without even checking to see if I’m even following.

They like her, and she likes them, and although a little bit of me wants to keep her to myself, it’s important that she feels comfortable here, and that the men care for her. Because if anything ever happened to me, I’d trust them to look out for her and take care of her.

Jeremiah pours her a glass on the rocks as she takes a seat. “For you, my lady.” He then pours me and Jag one. “And for the gentlemen.”

Bella lifts her glass up for a cheers before taking a sip. “To the Devils and Angels MC.”

We all clink.

“Yeah, okay this is pretty good,” she admits, licking her lips. “It’s strong.” She turns to me and adds, “Yeah, yum. I have good taste.”

I reach out and touch the back of her neck. If she keeps being so fucking cute, this socializing is going to end real fast, because I’m going to be dragging her back to my bed where I’m going to keep her for the rest of the night.

About an hour later Julianna appears, hugging Bella from behind. “Nice to see you, cousin.”

“You, too,” Bella replies, smiling widely. “River and I had the best dinner—you have to go there and try the food.”

Julianna turns to me. “Since when does River know all the good spots?”

“Since I have a woman who loves to eat,” I reply, gently squeezing Bella’s nape before letting go.

Hot, Julianna mouths to her.

Romeo spots her and comes over, holding a bag full of...pickles?

“Wow, you weren’t kidding,” Bella comments, putting her empty glass down and laughing. “I can’t believe you went and bought all of that.”

Julianna takes the bag from Romeo and gives us a play-by-play on how best to eat them, and Romeo and I look at each other in amusement.

And that’s the thing about love.

He’d let her talk about pickles all fucking day without making one penis joke.

While Bella, Jag and Jeremiah get dragged into trying Julianna’s creation, Romeo and I find ourselves in the kitchen alone.

“Still no word of Grandma Cathy,” he says, stretching his neck from side to side. “She’s probably right under our noses watching Grandpa Johnny with his new girlfriend, Libby, waiting to get her revenge.”

“It wouldn’t surprise me,” I admit, opening the fridge and getting out two bottles of water. I know Bella likes to sleep with one next to her in case she wakes up thirsty. “I don’t think we should underestimate her. I thought I saw someone following me after leaving Bella’s house tonight, but I lost them. Silver car. I don’t know if I was being paranoid or not, but I’m going to keep an eye out.”

“Yeah, we don’t know if there’s another hit out for us.” Romeo nods, taking a swig of his beer and closing his eyes for a few seconds. “And with Julianna being pregnant, my blood pressure is fucking high, I need to make sure she’s safe at all times.”

“She will be,” I promise him. “Any of us would do anything to keep her and the baby safe, you know that.”

“I do. And I don’t care how stressed I get as long as she doesn’t need to be. I just want her to have a happy and worry-free pregnancy.”

“She is,” I say, lip twitching. “She wouldn’t be going on about fucking pickles with candy and sauce on them if she wasn’t having an enjoyable pregnancy. She knows that you have it covered, no matter what.”

He smiles. “Good. I read that whatever she feels, the baby does. So I don’t want her to be sad or angry or worried. She just needs to be happy and in her bubble, and I’ll do the rest.”

“The baby will be the happiest baby ever,” I say, slapping him on the shoulder.

“This is some good shit,” I hear Jag proclaim loudly, followed by the women’s laughter. It’s been many years since we’ve taken in new prospects, since we usually keep it in the family, but Romeo thought it might be good to add in some fresh meat, and apparently Jag is someone we want on our side. Not only is he a hacker, he’s also ex Special Forces. Although looking at him, you’d never be able to tell. He’s always happy, and not someone I would peg as being extremely intelligent and skilled.
