Page 17 of Love Betrayal

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“I’m sorry,” I say as soon as she opens the door. Her eyes go straight to the red tulips. “I wasn’t expecting you, and it caught me off guard. And I had some blood on my hand and it just...yeah, I’m sorry. I hope you can forgive me.”

She takes my flowers and I step inside, closing the door behind me.

“You had blood on your hand? That’s why you freaked out?” she asks, brow furrowing.

“Yes, and my hand was touching your face and... I don’t know.”

“Don’t lie to me.”

“What do you mean? I’m not.”

“How did you get blood on your hand?”


“I can see your mind thinking of a million different answers. Let’s skip the bullshit. Just tell me the truth.”

I’m quiet for a bit, trying to find the best way out of this. I can’t tell her the truth. Can I?

“I’m not lying. There was blood on my hands. That’s all.”

She stares at me for a long while. For the first time, I cannot see what she sees. She shutters her expression from me, giving me a blank look that I never want to see on her beautiful face again. “That’s your one, River.”

“My one what?” I ask, trying to reach for her.

She steps back and points a finger at me. “Your one time you can lie to me. You do it again and this is done.”

I’m surprised by her tone and don’t know how I feel about this.

“That sounds like an ultimatum.” I don’t like being told what I can or cannot do. Even by Bella.

She shrugs. “It’s not. It’s a fact. I’m giving you a choice. You can choose to continue to lie to me after this or you can choose to tell me the truth. It’s really your choice. I will accept you don’t want to tell me the truth about what I saw today. But it’s the last time I’ll be okay with that. We are a team. We do not keep things from each other. That is what I’m signing up for.”

She says it so easily. Like she’s not asking me to lay my soul out on display for her. I want to tell her the truth. I want to be a team. But I don’t think she’ll like what she hears. Can I risk that?

I watch her watching me and I know that she’s endgame. I don’t want to lose her. I don’t know what I would do if I did. And if that means I have to show her who I am, then I will.

“Understood. It won’t happen again,” I say, and nod.

I follow her as she leads us into her kitchen and starts digging through the cupboard for a vase. “The food was amazing. Romeo came in and ate the remainder of it.”

“Good, I’m glad,” she replies, filling the glass vase in her hands with water and organizing the flowers in it. “I sent a lot because I knew that some of them would want some.”

I love that she thinks of my MC brothers, even my cousin, that asshole Jeremiah.

Once the vase is presentable, she turns to me, and I open my arms out to her. She hesitates for a split second, but then comes to embrace me and presses her cheek against my chest. This woman is my whole heart.

“Have you eaten tonight?” she asks.

I smile against her hair. “You trying to fatten me up?”

She touches my stomach and laughs. “Maybe. It’s going to take a lot of cooking.”

I lift her up to sit on the countertop and kiss her deeply, catching her off guard. “I did eat, but I’m still a little hungry...”

She wraps her legs around me as I head for her bedroom, our lips still connected. I place her down on the bed, spread her thighs and slide down her silky pajama pants. She’s not wearing anything underneath. I tease her a little, kissing up her thighs and focusing everywhere except her sex, until she’s squirming in anticipation.

“River,” she moans, lifting her hips.
