Page 90 of Decker's Dilemma

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Hitting his ego in front of all his men?

Bad idea.

“Actually, I want them here to watch me win. To show them what happens when people cross me and my family,” Marko fires back, but I can tell that Rhett’s comment angered him. This man has a fragile ego, and clearly must be mentally unstable.

Then, as if out of a movie, Marko rips off his white T-shirt, exposing a muscled body, with hair on his chest and a tattoo of a lion covering the side of his torso.

His men all cheer.

I share a look with Decker, and I can see from his eyes that he is as concerned as I am.

“They didn’t even check us for weapons,” he murmurs, glancing around.

Yeah, he’s on edge too.

“What do you think they are going to do?” I whisper.

“I don’t know, but if shit goes down, grab Clover and get the fuck out of here,” he says, squeezing my hand in a silent plea. “And know that I’m pretty sure you are the one for me.”

“You’re the one for me, too.”

And that’s the moment that I fucked up.

Because Rhett hears me say those words, and he turns to me, blue eyes filled with pain.

“Rhett—” I whisper, reaching out for him.

But he turns his back on me.

And then he steps into the ring, pulling his shirt off.

Those words from my lips are the last ones to play in his head before he goes into a fight for his life.

Chapter Thirty-Three


Rhett stretches his neck from side to side. I watch Cara, and I know this has to be hard for her. Watching the two of them talk privately was hard. What was harder was seeing her mouth the words I’ll always love you to him, right in front of me. I’m not going to lie, it felt like someone had punched me right in the gut.

I might as well be in that ring too. It would probably be less painful.

“He’s going to be fine,” I promise her. I turn to Clover, who is clasping on to Felix like a lifeline. “He’s a good fighter, right?”

She nods. “Yeah, he’s good. Is this definitely a one-on-one fight, though?”

“If it isn’t, Marko has called a full-on war with not just the Wind Dragons, but the Knights too. Would he risk that?” Cara asks, sharing a look with Clover. “What’s our plan B, guys?”

I mean, we all have guns, but I’m assuming the FC do too. “I have the plan B. I just need the bikers to get here.”

I pull my phone out and send a quick text to Temper, telling them to hurry their asses up.

“You ready?” Marko calls out to Rhett, who nods.

Marko then turns to his audience. “These are the rules. We keep fighting until someone gives up, or someone is knocked the fuck out. You can tag in two other people if you need a break, but only two at a time in the ring.”

“That wasn’t the deal,” Clover calls out, stepping forward with her hands on her hips. “The deal was a one-on-one with you and Rhett, and then it was settled.”

Marko calls out two of his men, huge motherfuckers that belong on one of those old warrior movies. One must be nearly seven feet tall, and pure muscle. The other is smaller, but no doubt well trained and just as deadly.
