Page 89 of Decker's Dilemma

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And I’ve found what I’ve always wanted in the form of a six-foot-four, green-eyed, smartass ex-cop.

“We’re ready,” Clover calls out. I walk away from Rhett and rejoin the group. I look at Decker but he avoids my eyes.

“We are being watched,” Clo says, taking my hand in hers.

True enough, there are two men now standing at the entrance, watching and waiting. Rhett looks down at me. “Stay here.”

I shake my head. “No, you aren’t going in alone. Imagine what he would do if there was no one to report back to the MC.”

“We’re all going in together,” Felix murmurs, sharing a look with his wife. “Please, Clo, do not go rogue on me right now.”

Clover pats her gun holster. “Don’t worry, husband. We’re all coming out of this alive.”

“I’m guessing you don’t want to wait in the car,” Decker says to me, softly, so no one else can hear. I want to talk to him about what just happened, but it’s going to have to wait.

“I think you know the answer to that,” I reply. “I’m just as capable, Decker.”

“I know, but to me, you are more valuable.”

Softening, I reach out to touch his arm. “Like Clo said, we’re all coming out of this alive.”

I look up to see Rhett watching us both, a look of sadness flashing in his eyes. He clears his throat and looks away. I don’t like seeing him look like that. It hurts me, too. But we don’t have time for this right now. We need to make sure we are all safe, and we need Rhett to fight Marko to do so.

“All right then, let’s do this.”

We all walk in together.

The two men escort us silently to where Marko is sitting in the middle of the warehouse, very dramatically, like a king on a throne, except he’s on an old, worn chair.

Very fitting.

The warehouse is big, an empty bar, his chair and a boxing ring in the corner.

Marko looks nothing like I had expected. He’s maybe in his midthirties, but handsome, with dark hair and dark eyes. He has a glint in his eyes, though, that lets me know he is not a good person. My gut instinct would be to stay away from him.

“Rhett,” Marko says, glancing around at all of us. His eyes land on me. “Cara, nice to see you in the flesh.”

“You mean when you aren’t sending your henchmen to try to kidnap me?” I reply, narrowing my eyes.

“Exactly,” he replies, unbothered by my attitude. “But that’s all in the past now, isn’t it? I struck a deal with the Wind Dragons and the Knights of Fury presidents. Rhett and I will fight, and then it’s settled. There will be no more war between us all.”

“Just like that it’s over?” Rhett asks, pulling off his black hoodie and throwing it on the floor. “That’s the deal, right?”

Marko nods and stands. “That’s the deal.”

What’s the catch?

Why does it feel like there’s something that we are missing here?

Marko points to the makeshift boxing ring in the corner of the open space. “I’m ready when you are.”

All of his men appear from the shadows. There has to be at least fifty of them. They are definitely going to try to use intimidation as a tactic, and with only five of us—I have to admit that it’s working on me, anyway.

We told the Wind Dragons and the Knights of Fury to be here as our backup, we were hoping that we wouldn’t need them and it wouldn’t turn into a huge brawl, but it looks like it’s going to be heading that way. But we’re going to have to manage and buy some time until they get here.

Decker puts his arm around me and gently pulls me behind him. We can’t trust these people, and we need to be careful with our actions.

“You need your whole gang here to watch you lose?” Rhett asks, and I roll my eyes at his trash talking. I don’t know if pushing Marko and all of his followers is the best thing right now. In fact, I know that it isn’t.
