Page 75 of Decker's Dilemma

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“Don’t get used to it,” Cara teases, pulling out a stool at the breakfast table and sitting down. “What’s on the agenda today? I don’t like feeling like we’re trapped here, just sitting targets.”

“I know what you mean,” I agree. “Why don’t we do something fun? With us all together, it’s not like anyone is left alone and vulnerable.”

Cara’s eyes light up. “What do you have in mind?”

I think it over. “It’s a nice day today. What if we went to a lake or something and had a swim? Somewhere with no one else around.”

Cara’s smile widens and she does a little happy dance, the same one she does when she eats sometimes. “I think that sounds perfect. Clover?”

“Hell yeah, count us in. I can pick us up some lunch on the way,” Clover replies, tapping her finger on her cheek. “And wine. And if we die, at least we die happy.”

Felix appears at that moment and scowls at his wife’s casual talk of our demise. “No one is dying.”

I pull out my phone and search for a spot, not too far away in case something happens here, but far enough that it won’t be too busy. “Okay, I think I’ve found a spot. We have to do a little walking to get there, though...”

I show them the photos of the swimming spot, and everyone is instantly onboard. It has a beautiful waterfall and crystal-clear water. “There will probably be some people there, but hopefully not too many considering it’s not that easy to get to.”

“We’re going to a lake?” Felix asks, perking up. “Now we’re talking.”

We all go and get ready, and I’m not going to lie—I’m excited to see Cara in a bikini. She doesn’t disappoint, coming out of the room in a red bikini, one that shows just a little hint of underboob. She looks amazing.

And the sexiest thing about her is that she is confident about herself. That is the biggest turn-on of all.

“Holy shit,” I mutter, asking her to turn around.

She laughs and does a little turn. My eyes are glued to her perfect ass.

I make a little growling sound and prowl up to her, just as Felix calls out, “We’re all bringing our guns, right?”

If that isn’t a slap back into reality, I don’t know what is.

* * *

We walk along the pebbles, and I remain right behind Cara, enjoying the view indeed. She put a little wrap around her bikini, her hair tied up in a messy bun. She looks beautiful.

“I can’t wait to jump into that water,” Clover says, eying the clear water.

“Thank you for making us come here today. I think we all needed it,” Cara says.

Cara needed it more than anyone.

“No need to thank me,” I say, bringing her hand to my lips and kissing her knuckles.

She smiles widely, and we all head down toward the water. When we get there, we all strip down and jump in. Cara floats on her back, staring up at the blue sky.

“Looks like we got the spot to ourselves after all,” I muse, looking around.

“I know, how lucky are we?” she replies.

We spend the next few hours in the water and having a picnic that Clover set up for lunch. When it’s time for us to head back, I feel a little sad, because I know that our carefree time is now over, and reality will soon kick back in.

Proof of this is when we get back to the car. My phone reception kicks in and I instantly get a call from Atlas.

“Where are you guys?” he asks.

“About an hour away from home. Is everything okay?”

He goes silent for a few long seconds. “We have a small problem.”
