Page 74 of Decker's Dilemma

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Decker wraps his arm around me, pulling me close to him absently, as if I could suddenly be next.


Atlas heads home, and Decker offers Felix and Clo his spare bedroom. We have a chat about what Atlas just told us, but after we go to our separate rooms, Decker and I soon start carrying on from where we left off, with me making the first move by jumping into his arms and kissing him. We can’t seem to keep our hands off each other, even in the middle of a crisis, or maybe it’s because we need a distraction right now.

Decker slowly undresses me, teasing me, his lips covering every inch of my skin. He starts to go down on me and I moan loudly, then still, realizing that Clover and Felix can most likely hear us. The house is dead silent and there’s nothing to muffle the sound.

I’m extremely close with Clo, but we are not that close.

“Wait a minute,” I say. He instantly lets go and sits up, watching me.

“Is everything okay?” he asks, listening for any noise around us.

“No. I mean, yes, it’s fine. I’m just really loud when you do that thing with your tongue. And I don’t want Clover to hear me having sex! That would be traumatizing. She’s like my sister,” I whisper-yell at him.

Decker seems to find this amusing, his eyes sparkling with humor. “We don’t have to if you don’t want to, Cara. We can just cuddle.”

His raging erection is still evident. I appreciate that he doesn’t mind putting my mind at ease even though I’m the one who started this whole thing by practically jumping him when we got back to the room.

“I can hear everything that you are saying!” Clover suddenly calls out from her room, making me freeze.

Oh my God.

Why me?

Decker laughs out loud, the asshole, and I’m pretty sure I can hear Clover and Felix laughing from the spare bedroom, also.

“And you’re right; I don’t want to hear it. I’m going to put the TV on really loudly so it doesn’t get awkward,” she yells.

Stupid paper-thin walls.

“Thank you,” Decker calls back to her, and then I hear her laughter, louder this time.

Don’t get me wrong, I know she has sex, and a lot of it, but that doesn’t mean I want to hear her and vice versa. I can hear the TV loud as ever now, the Supernatural theme song, which makes me feel a whole lot better.

I smile at Decker, and he smiles back even wider.

Clover really is the best friend ever.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


I give Simone a call to check in on her and to see if she needs anything. She assures me she’s fine and she’s been careful, which is a relief to me. She also demands answers as to what’s going on, so I give her a brief rundown. She’s obviously concerned, but seems more worried about me than herself. I promise her it will all be okay.

Diesel comes to my house to take over for Aries, and I don’t miss the way he subtly sneaks a second glance at Cara.

Yeah, no chance.

Cara disappears and comes out of the bedroom twenty minutes later, freshly showered and dressed in taupe track pants and a matching hoodie, one that shows some of her stomach.

“You look cute,” I say, my eyes devouring her greedily.

“Have a good night?” Clover asks, smirking from my coffee machine.

Cara’s eyes narrow ever so slightly. “I did. Did you?”

“Always,” Clover responds, turning around and handing me and Cara some coffee. “I can’t remember the last time I had a full night’s sleep. It would have been when I was pregnant. What a luxury. It’s crazy the things I took for granted before becoming a mom.”
