Page 62 of Decker's Dilemma

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“And you are pussy-whipped by Rake’s daughter,” he cuts me off, lip twitching. “This tie to the Wind Dragons could be a good thing. They are a strong MC. Good men.”

I should have known he would look at it from a club perspective. I don’t care what gets him there, though, I just need his agreement to help Cara by giving us the extra manpower if it becomes necessary.

“They are,” I agree.

“Tell me what you want from us.”

“I want you to have our backs if shit goes down, and it might. And I want your men to help us protect her, in whatever way possible.”

He nods once. “All right. You can have Atlas, Aries and Diesel to protect her. And if shit goes down, you have all of us. Just keep me updated. And I want as much information as you have on this gang. I’ve heard about them, and I don’t want them coming here,” he says, brown eyes on me.

“Yes, and thank you,” I say.

“If Arrow wants to speak to me, give him my number.”

“I will.”

I leave the clubhouse feeling much better, knowing that we now have an unstoppable team at Cara’s back.

They tried to kidnap the wrong woman.

I drive straight from the clubhouse to see Cara, their gate now firmly closed. I text her to let me in, and the gates open a minute later. She comes outside to wait for me to get out of my car, and greets me with a hug. She’s all dressed up, in a long black cotton dress with sandals. Her hair is up in a bun on top of her head, her brown eyes lined in black.

“Hey.” She smiles. “You just missed everyone.”

“They drove back?” I ask as I close the car door.

She nods. “We all went out for breakfast and then they left.”

“Breakfast? Is it safe for you to be leaving the house?”

I’m not sure why she looks amused. “There was a group of us and I don’t know if you know this, but my dad is kind of badass.”

“Right,” I mutter.

“Have you eaten yet?”

“Yes, I grabbed something on the way. Felix is at work?” I ask as I follow her inside.

“Yeah, Felix went to work, but he’s trying to organize some time off. Clover is putting Fire down for a nap—she didn’t sleep well last night.”

“I just went to the Knights’ clubhouse,” I say, leaning against the kitchen counter while she starts to make some coffee for both of us.

Cara pauses. “What did they say?”

“They said they will help us with whatever we need. Three men to help us protect you and the rest of the men, if needed. Temper said Arrow is welcome to contact him whenever if he wishes to discuss,” I explain, sitting down on a barstool.

“So that means I definitely won’t have to go back home.” She smiles widely and comes over to give me another hug, this one lingering, her hand never leaving my arm. “Thank you, Decker.”

“Don’t thank me. It’s my friend Nadia they are really doing this for,” I admit, reaching out and touching her cheek. I want to kiss her so badly.

“I’d like to meet her then,” she replies, gaze dropping to my lips. “To say thank you.”

“I’m sure I can organize that.”

I lean forward and press my lips against hers, testing at first, to see if she pulls away or tells me that this is a bad idea, but she doesn’t.

She closes the space between us, melting into the kiss, and moves to straddle me. I moan when she rubs up against my cock, which has gone from semi hard to rock hard since the kiss started. My hands cup her ass through the soft material of her dress, while hers pull down on the back of my hair.
