Page 61 of Decker's Dilemma

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Me: No need to thank me.

After I text Cara back, I send a message to Simone to make sure she got home safely, and then to Nadia. I tell her that I will finish up the cases I’m working on, but after that I’m going to need to take a week or so off to help a friend. She calls me instantly, and I tell her everything that is going on.

“This is the girl you were telling me about, isn’t it?” she asks afterward.

“That obvious?”

She laughs. “Take as long as you need, that’s fine. I can postpone any clients that contact us. And I will set up a meeting with you and Temper, if you like. I think the Knights will definitely help you.”

“With your pressure, you mean?”

She laughs quietly again. “With Trade’s, no doubt. Temper would never say no to his brother.”

“I owe you one.”

“You owe me nothing, Decker. It’s nothing you wouldn’t do for any of us.”

We end the call and I jump in the shower, processing everything that happened tonight. I still can’t believe that we almost lost Cara today. Who knows what they would have done to her? I’m not going to lie; the thought scares me to my core and puts everything into perspective for me. Who gives a fuck if in theory now is not the right time for us?

I don’t want to sit there idly, waiting for the right time.

What if that time never comes?

What if she meets someone else, or decides to go back to Rhett?

I’m not going to let that happen.

I don’t want to waste any more time pretending that I don’t want her, and that I’m not crazy about her.

I am.

And I want her to be mine.

Every minute we aren’t together is a waste of time.

I just need her to see it now.

* * *

The next morning, I step into the Knights of Fury clubhouse and the first person I see is Crow.

“You joining the MC now or what?” he asks, grinning as he offers me a handshake.

“You wish. Temper around? He’s expecting me.”

“Of course he is, or you wouldn’t have made it through that gate,” he replies, smirking. “He’s sitting out in the back.”


I head outside and see Temper sitting there with a coffee, typing something on his phone. He looks up when he hears the slide door opening.

“Hey, thanks for seeing me.”

“Trade already gave me a rundown on your situation,” he says, getting straight to business. Temper is not a man whose bad side I’d ever want to be on. He has something about him, something that makes me aware he could be very dangerous if he needed to. “I didn’t know that you knew any of the Wind Dragons.”

Lucky for me, he’s on the same side.

“Well, I didn’t,” I admit, sitting down next to him. “My ex-partner is married to a member’s daughter—”
