Page 4 of Enforced

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That I was now a part of that made my eyes narrow, the heated ember inside a heady combination of fury and desire that only heightened my most fundamental need. I unzipped my pants, my released cock a cobra ready to strike.

She inhaled sharply, but otherwise appeared…fascinated.

Son of a bitch.

She should be terrified, begging me to show mercy. Instead her eyes shone like rich chocolate as she licked her lips, looking ready to devour me.

My heart jerked along with my cock, pre-cum glistening on its tip.

Curling my fingers around my bulging shaft, I moved my hand up and down in long, slow strokes. “Touch yourself,” I commanded hoarsely. When she didn’t comply, I tipped my revolver at her and growled, “If you want to live, you’ll do what I say.”

Though she glared fearfully at me, there were shades of lust in her eyes, with glints of gold inside the brown. She was as turned on as me! Or perhaps it was a coping mechanism, a way for her to survive. As the Irish don’s woman, I had no doubt she’d lived through many of these types of scenarios.

No doubt it was also one of the reasons Sean was so desperate to get her back. He’d shaped her into the woman of his dreams. She wouldn’t have had a choice but to submit and do exactly what he’d asked of her—until the moment she’d escaped.

She was years of training in the making, Sean’s personal plaything. But she’d disrespected him by leaving, made him look a fool in front of his men. A sliver of ice moved through my veins. His retribution wouldn’t be pretty.

At least I’d ensure her ending was swift.

Not that I was overwhelmed with guilt. I’d learned a long time ago to compartmentalize my emotions. It made it easier to live without a conscience, just as it made me the perfect fit for my job as a mobster enforcer.

“Is this what you want?” she asked hoarsely.

My shoulders tightened as she spread her outer lips wide then massaged her clit. But there was no faking her enjoyment. Her legs fell apart to reveal her wet, inviting core, her eyes glazing over as she stared at me staring at her.

I pulled my dick harder, wishing her wetness was my lubrication as my hand pumped up and down. And though I wanted to taste her plump clit and stick my tongue deep inside her, something held me back.

I frowned. What was I trying to prove? I wasn’t a gentleman, I wasn’t even nice. I killed for a living and protected dark-hearted men just like myself…men who I imagined were my best friends.

Men I’d kill for. Men I did kill for.

My balls tingled and lifted as she rubbed her nub harder. She was already pushed to the edge having my dick and revolver in her face, it wouldn’t take much to topple her over.

She wasn’t alone.

I hadn’t experienced this heightened level of arousal in what seemed like forever. Heat built in my spine and tingled deep in my balls, pleasure building so fast it threatened to spill from me before I was ready.

I wanted to savor this moment before ending her. I wanted—

Her lashes fluttered and she arched her back as she cried out. Fuck. Her orgasmic bliss was a sight to behold, as was her honeyed scent that infiltrated my nostrils. This woman meant nothing to me, and yet—

I stalked closer toward her, euphoria almost bringing me to my knees as my seed spurted out, covering her tits and her flat belly, a few beads catching in the runway strip of dark hairs on her pussy.

They looked like diamonds.

I was still breathing heavily after every last drop had been ejaculated, my dick now limp in one hand. I gripped my rock-solid revolver in the other. I could shoot her now and be done with it. Getting rid of her body would be less complicated than what I’d managed so far. Instead I muttered, “Stay there.”

After ensuring I rested the hammer of my revolver on its empty chamber, I reholstered it before zipping up my pants. Pivoting away from her, I stalked into her bathroom and wet a washcloth.

I returned to the bedroom, then sat on the edge of the mattress before I wiped my seed off her luscious tits. I had no idea if she liked or hated that I cleaned her, she didn’t give anything away. She’d become empty, void of any feeling or expression.

That she seemed too much like me now caused my usually sterile emotions to awaken yet again, the anger pulsing inside making me want to shake her, and tell her to keep fighting for her freedom and her life.

Instead I left the room to discard the cloth.

That I chose to leave the tiny specks of my seed on her pussy meant nothing. I was simply marking my territory.

Despite the fact I’d never stalled on any assignment given to me, a grin spread across my face.
