Page 3 of Enforced

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It was enough for me to let go of any inhibitions. Winding my arms around William’s neck, I said huskily, “No more talking, William. I need you inside me.”

Chapter Two


I stayed motionless as I looked through the slats of Chantilly’s inbuilt wardrobe like some perverted voyeur. Not that I suffered an inkling of shame. I’d done far worse in my life than watch a couple fornicating.

I’d lost count of the sex parties and strip shows I’d attended. Not to mention the hookers I’d shared with the Agostino brothers.

So why was this woman making me harder than concrete? I’d grown immune to other people’s…vices.

Live and let live was my motto—until they died at my hands.

The man—William, my mark had called him—had already taken off her pants and singlet, and I swallowed a groan as he stripped off her bra. Damn, her tits were glorious. That they were natural made my mouth water. I’d gladly kill to suck her pink nipples while squeezing her plump globes.

Then William drew down her thong and everything inside of me clenched.

Sucking her sweet little pussy was now my priority. I bet she’d taste divine, like a ripe peach grown by the sea.

My dick jerked, growing so hard it bordered on painful.

But then, I’d been aroused from the moment our eyes had met, the high-powered charge between us undeniable. When I’d sat at the bar and ordered a beer, it’d been clear she’d been affected too. Her breasts had rose and fell sharply beneath her black singlet, her trembling hands and wide, dark-chocolate eyes giving away her frazzled emotions.

William didn’t deserve her. Though he clearly enjoyed kissing her, he hadn’t made any move to taste other parts of her delectable body. Apparently foreplay wasn’t a part of his skillset.

I almost shook my head. Rookie mistake. Movement could end my concealment sooner rather than later. If I had to kill her, the least I could get out of this assignment first was a free sex show.

So why did my every cell vibrate with a need to instead kill the bastard who wasn’t giving his lover what she deserved?

Instinct overcame logic when I withdrew my revolver and I pushed open the closet door. William was rolling on a condom as I stepped into the bedroom behind him.

Chantilly’s gasp and wide-eyed stare was his only warning.

He rolled onto the other side of the bed, his latex-covered cock rapidly shrinking and his eyes bulging. “What the fuck?”

“Surprise,” I said in a low voice that throbbed with feral menace. I pointed the gun at him. “You have ten seconds to get out of here before I shoot.”

My lip curled as he scrambled to grab his clothes before hightailing it out of Chantilly’s bedroom, the front door then opening and slamming shut. That he hadn’t once looked back at Chantilly or tried to protect her spoke volumes. I should have damn well shot him. A pity I needed to get in and out quickly, with this job done cleanly and without suspicious noise or activity.

Chantilly slowly sat up, her tits and bared pussy making me groan.

Her dark eyes flashed with self-awareness, but she didn’t cover up. Instead she lifted her chin and said, “Sean sent you, didn’t he?”

I didn’t bother answering; I was too busy drinking my fill of her. That it wasn’t just her looks that attracted me was an irritation I could do without. I wasn’t like most other men. I fucked who I liked when I liked, then I walked away.

I’d never wanted more.

“Who are you?” she asked next.

I sighed heavily. It wouldn’t hurt to tell her my name. It wasn’t like she’d be using the information against me once she was six foot under. “Valentino.”

“I guess you already know mine.”

I smirked. “Chantilly suits you a whole lot better than Suze.”

“I change my name with each new location. One means no more than another to me now.”

She sounded so detached and distant, like her life still wasn’t her own.
