Page 34 of Enforced

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Water splashed and sloshed as our skin slapped together, the friction as I drilled into her becoming hotter and hotter. Her inner muscles tightened and I knew she was close. I was closer. I dropped one hand from her hip to pinch her clit. She shrieked as she came, her inner muscles clenching so hard my seed exploded out of me in great long spurts.

My guttural growl was as primitive as the act itself, stars filling my vision until all I could see for a few seconds was blinding white.

Heaven help me.

Sex with Tilly took me to another world even as it completed me, made me whole. Little wonder I was addicted to it…addicted to her.

I withdrew from her carefully, reluctantly, bending over then to kiss her on the nape, where a little black rose had been inked in her skin. Did it have meaning? Or did she get it done on a whim?

Right then didn’t seem the right time to ask questions or even have a conversation. Silence thrummed between us as we left the pool behind and climbed the internal stairs to use the bathroom, where we allowed hot water to pelt over us as we scrubbed shampoo into each other’s hair before we soaped each other’s body.

Only once we’d stepped out of the shower and dried each other off did I mutter, “Let’s go to bed.”

I didn’t miss her wry look as she glanced out the window to the sunny day outside.

“We’ll have dinner out on the balcony later,” I reassured.

She didn’t argue, and for that I was grateful. I needed to lock my arms around her before I blacked out.

I did exactly that.

Chapter Twenty-One


I didn’t want to feel such a deep, overwhelming sense of peace having Valentino’s arms wrapped around me, but I did. It was as if I belonged here with him, as if I was safe when he was near.

The opposite couldn’t be truer. I’d no sooner relax and trust in him when he’d cut short my life and make me realize just how little I meant to him, after all.

It was scary to acknowledge my depth of feelings for him. Yes, I hated him, but the opposite was just as true. Despite having Sean’s blood on his clothes—or perhaps because he had Sean’s blood on his clothes—I still yearned to be with him.

I’d always thought Sean was invincible, but Valentino had proven otherwise. It seemed my new captor was the untouchable one. But swapping one deadly man for another didn’t make me any less expendable.

I was just another man’s victim.

Valentino killed so easily and with no regrets. I was certain he’d do the same to me eventually; it was just a matter of time.

I sighed heavily, my eyes dropping to his neck and the gold chain with its key dangling irresistibly from it. I didn’t even need to take his chain off. All I’d need was to press the tiny button on the key to deactivate the alarms.

But first…I had to extricate myself from his arms. No point switching off security if I couldn’t go anywhere.

I almost giggled. How long ago had it been that I’d wished for his arms to be wrapped around me? Now I had that wish I was already planning my escape.

My lips tightened. Perhaps if my death wasn’t imminent I wouldn’t be actively seeking to leave. Add in the fact Sean was dead, there was a good chance I wouldn’t now have to look over my shoulder everywhere I went.

Unless Valentino refused to let me go and tracked me down.

You’re his property now. He’ll want you back, if not to be with you then to complete his mission and regain his don’s trust.

A sudden headache bloomed behind my temple and even when I managed to wriggle out from his arms the thought of leaving no longer held any appeal. Instead I hobbled into the bathroom on my bandaged feet and opened the vanity mirror. Finding a bottle of paracetamol, I threw two pills into the back of my mouth, then cupped my hands under the tap to swallow the pills with water.

It wasn’t until I put the bottle back that another bottle caught my attention. I retrieved it and read the script. Sleeping pills. My heart stuttered. So he did have a conscience, one that apparently kept him awake at night.


Valentino’s sleepy voice rang with undercurrents of panic. I placed the bottle back where I’d found it even as my mind ran rampant with ideas. “I’m in here,” I called out.

I stepped back into the bedroom where his bleary stare focused on me. “I thought you’d gone.”
