Page 33 of Enforced

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She left the other half of her sandwich on the plate. “Is something wrong?”

I exhaled slowly. “I’m not entirely sure,” I muttered.

“You’re not hungry?”

“Not for food.” For fucks sake. I was turning into a walking, talking cliché. That I was becoming soft inside while my dick was harder than a steel spike wasn’t helping my frame of mind. I’d told myself I’d break her spirit, so why did I feel like bits of me were cracking apart instead, exposing weaknesses I didn’t even know I had?

I pushed back my chair and stood. “I’m going for a swim.”

She stared at me. Did she know I was losing my mind? That I might be losing something even more serious to her—a piece of my heart—wasn’t something I could contemplate any longer.

I might have a lot of knowledge about her thanks to investigating everything I could about her—I did with all my targets—but I still didn’t really know her, not like someone who’d been her lover for months, years even. So why did it feel as though I’d know her my whole life?

I stalked toward the stairs, then took every second rung as I descended to the ground floor. I needed to get away from her. If I didn’t use up some of my excess energy, I might end up taking her to bed and losing myself in her instead.

And that wasn’t something I could do, not in my profession.

While she’d been in danger from Sean, I had many enemies and walked a fine line between life and death on a daily basis. I’d never cared in the past, I’d risked my life and flaunted my existence, basking in the rush that came with it.

Caution was already seeping into my bones knowing I’d have Chantilly to return to after each mission, but I wasn’t yet sure if that would help or hinder my longevity.

I tugged off my shoes then dragged off my clothes, cool air caressing my bared skin. I’d never before questioned my solitary lifestyle, not when danger was my middle name, but now I couldn’t help but ask myself if there really was room in it for someone else.

I dove into the water, stretching my body out and lifting my head out to the side as one arm stroked through the water, then the other, my feet kicking hard to propel me fast to the other end. I flip-turned and made my way back down the pool, swimming fast and doing easily a dozen laps before I began to tire.


I stopped swimming to tread water as Chantilly’s head broke through the water and she swam languidly toward me. It wasn’t until she came straight up to me and clasped my shoulders that I realized she was as naked as me.

“What are you doing?” I asked, my voice a harsh croak. Had her feet healed enough to get into the water? She should be bathing them in the ocean, not in my pool.

She arched a brow. “You wanted to keep me around for sex, did you not?” At my silence she slipped one of her hands to my dick and fondled it. I groaned at the tingling sizzle that thickened my shaft until it bordered on painful. Her eyes glinted. “If doing so keeps me alive, I’m not going to deny you.”

My groan mutated into a growl as I bent my head and claimed her lips, then spun her around to push her backward through the water until my feet touched the bottom. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I slipped my hand down between her thighs, then pushed a finger deep inside her.

She thrust against it and I added another finger inside her, thrusting in and out while I continued kissing her soft, opened lips. I pushed my tongue into her mouth, tasting her honeyed sweetness.

I needed more.

Wading to the edge of the pool in shallow water, I lifted her so that she sat on the edge, her tits quivering. “Lean back and spread your legs,” I commanded hoarsely.

She did as I asked, opening her thighs to expose the luscious, inner pink of her petals. I growled as I leaned forward and licked her seam, savoring her. If her mouth tasted of honey then her pussy was a citrus and cream indulgence I couldn’t get enough of.

Grasping her spread thighs, I dragged her closer, feasting on her feminine flesh for long, leisurely minutes. Her moans as I pleasured her were music to my ears. I loved that she couldn’t fight me in this, loved that she was as invested in our chemistry as I was. She was all but vibrating with her coming release.

It wasn’t until I lashed her clit with my tongue then sucked her engorged little bud that she arched and writhed against me, then stiffened before she cried out at the sudden climax that gripped her and wouldn’t let her go.

The flood of her essence was an aphrodisiac that I lapped at greedily. Though I wanted to continue sucking and licking her clit until it was swollen and red-raw, and she orgasmed over and over, I needed desperately to sink deep inside her.

I needed to fill her like I needed my next breath.

Gripping her hips, I flipped her around so that her ass was sticking up into the air and her pussy was open and inviting. She’d have bruises on her limbs come morning, but I intended to make it worth the pain.

“I’m not going to be gentle,” I warned.

She looked behind at me, her eyes glinting. “I don’t want it gentle,” she conceded huskily.

Her words alone made my seed boil in my nuts, and I grunted as I aligned my length, then thrust deep, her expelled breath sounding somewhere between pleasure and pain. I didn’t hold back. I slammed into her harder, deeper and faster, my fingers digging into her skin as I held onto her.
