Page 122 of The Bones of Love

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Tonight, I wanted to feel her. I wanted to feel the drape of her back against my chest and belly, her ass tucked against my hips. I wanted to feel her hands gripping into my hair and her lips on my lips and her legs wrapped around my back. I wanted to make her come and come and never stop coming as she looked into my eyes and remembered who’d made her limp with so much feeling.

It might be the last time. I’d need to make it count.


“Look at me, Decca.”

Gus turned my head to his, holding the back of my skull and nothing else. His other hand still hovered over the cards on the arm of the Adirondack chair.

In the firelight, his brown eyes glowed black, raging with a desperate sort of sadness. The side of his mouth turned up in a smile as he stroked his thumb across my lips once. His eyes followed the path.

Still looking at my mouth, he pulled me into him, kissing me gently. It was less a kiss and more him pressing our mouths together, to breathe the same breath and exist as one thing.

I could feel him resigned to this. To letting me go.

He didn’t have to. I’d show him. He wasn’t giving me up because I wouldn’t give him up. I wouldn’t allow myself to be given up.

I hadn’t realized I was still crying until I tasted the salt. With a sob, I opened my mouth and pressed his lower lip between mine. Then his top lip. I was mapping his mouth. Memorizing the feel of his kiss.

I was kissing him with passion and urgency.

He was kissing me goodbye.

I almost laughed. His intentions were cute, really. I’d let him have this. His little guilt trip. He thought he could fuck me one last time, and cling to this memory for the rest of his days.

He didn’t know that I’d win.

After that, the kissing overtook any thinking. I just needed to feel and feel. Still, there was a war between us. I opened my mouth to deepen the kiss, to let our tongues slide against each other. He pulled back, closing himself off.

I tucked my legs up, twisting my body into the shelter of his. His knees fell open wider, and his arm came around my body under my thick wool blanket to hold me against him. His kisses were his only point of hesitance.

I raked my fingers through his beard, feeling the strong line of his square jaw underneath the chestnut hair that glowed amber in the fire. His hair was combed back from his brow and tucked behind his ears. Though it didn’t curl at the ends. It only did that when the air was humid.

I breathed in his resinous scent as I brushed my lips across his face, his nose, across his cheeks. I pressed my lips into the warmth at his temples, letting my eyes float closed to feel more deeply. I ran my tongue over the curving shell of his ear and scraped my teeth over his lobe, listening for his soft moan as I flicked it with my tongue.

Before I could get to the delicate place under his jaw, he wrapped his entire hand around my neck, pulled me back, and bit my collarbone. The dull clamp of his teeth over my delicate skin almost tickled, but he knew the right amount of pressure to make me sink into him. Then he bit harder. Enough for me to feel the sharppain of his teeth. To leave a mark over the bone that I’d carry to Knoxville and smile at every time I glanced at it in the hotel room.

If he was getting rid of me, why leave me a reminder to come back home?

His kisses were small explosions on my skin when he dipped me back and lowered his head to my chest. The blanket slipped off my shoulders, and the rush of cool air contrasted with the heat of his open mouth dragging along my sternum.

Gus’s thumbs covered my nipples, rubbing delicately. God, it was like a direct nerve to my clit. And he knew it. He knew all the ways to make my body sing. Already, he was doing exactly what I wanted him to do. My body responded to his hands like they were magic. My eyes closed, and I rocked into him, moving so that I straddled him, my knees on either side of his hips on the chair. Oh, bless this chair. It had always been perfect for us.

“Jesus Christ, Decca, you’re so beautiful. How am I going to—?” He pushed me down onto him so our chests mashed together, giving me the warmth I was craving. It also lined us up below my skirt.Oh God, his ridiculously perfect cock surged when my core pressed against him.

I broke our kiss to shimmy my dress over my head, leaving me bare except for a pair of sheer black panties. “Fuck,” he breathed out, his eyes wild when they took in the sight. It still wasn’t enough. I needed him. Inside me. Now. I needed to lower myself onto him and come until I couldn’t move.

My greedy hands grabbed at his belt, unbuckling it as fast as I could. I could barely stop rocking against him long enough to open his pants and free him. He was just as frantic. We both needed this.

He pushed his pants down low enough to spring free and my God, the sight of him still brought tears to my eyes. His cock was huge and perfect. Not that I’d ever cared about size. But it washis, and I was greedy for it. I was rocking against his thigh, my arousal dripping onto his muscular leg.

“Slow down, Crow. Let me feel you.”

No. I couldn’t wait. It was now. Now. I needed him inside me, filling me up, stretching me, fucking into me until he punched my cervix and made me come and filled me with his cum and licked it out of me. His hands moved between us, ripping my panties and jerking the scraps of fabric away from my body.

I pretended not to notice when he shoved them into his pocket.

His fingers caught my wet pussy as I knelt impatiently over his waiting cock, wanting to do everything to it. Lick it. Suck it. Fuck it. Worship it. It was mine. Gus was mine. He always would be. I wasn’t giving him up.
