Page 112 of The Bones of Love

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I chuckled. It’s not that I was relieved. I trusted Decca. I trusted George. But hearing my brother’s name as she played with my dick was a little too much... realism.

“Apart from the size, don’t they all look pretty much the same when they’re hard? They all do the same job. Please their partner and please themself.”

“No. They’re definitely not all the same. But yours pleases me.” She snuggled closer.

I kissed the top of her head. “Your vagina pleases me.”

“Did you know vaginas are all very distinctive, too? They’ve taken molds.” She reached across me for her phone. “It’s fascinating. Let me show—”

“Yours is the only one I care about. The only one I want to see.”

She braced her chin on my chest and looked up at me. “Really?”

“Mmm,” I nodded. “You grip me when I’m inside you. Like you have a little… I don’t know… a twist. About halfway up. It feels amazing on the head of my cock when I’m hitting your G-spot,or what I’d assumed is your G-spot, considering the noises you make when I’m there.” I pushed her onto her back, pinning her arms down at her sides. She couldn’t expect to suck me off and I wouldn’t reciprocate.

“Now, give me a taste of that distinctive vagina.”

Decca, Yule

“It’s fucking freezing outhere.” I shivered.

“Grumpy today, are we?” Chris produced a hand warmer from his pocket, snapped it to life, and handed it to me.

“Thank you.” I held it between my hands like a prayer book and lifted it to my face. “It’s all this waiting around. This does not feel emergent. This feels...”

He sighed. “It feels like they found uncovered skeletal remains, and we can all get going once it’s picked up.” His didactic tone had a patient, on-purpose edge. I gave him a sharp glare.

He raised his gloved hands. His leather and—was that fur?—lined gloves looked infinitely warmer than my badly handknit mittens.

“One skull. Better than my last site.”

He looked down at me, but said nothing, giving me the space to elaborate if I wanted.

I didn’t.

I hadn’t even told Gus about it. I wasn’t used to holding debriefs of my work experiences. Not verbally, anyway. I ignored them, or I physically repressed them, throwing an orgasm-induced oxytocinblanket over the memories so I wouldn’t have to think about them. That was how Chris and I had fallen into the friends with benefits trap.

At the moment, I was too far away from Gus to impale myself on his cock. So I said nothing and stayed grumpy.

It was four a.m. when I got the call this morning, pulled out of the warmth of our bed, where I’d been sleeping entangled in Gus’s arms. To freeze my ass off in the woods by the train tracks three days before Christmas. That was also what was making me grumpy.

I had gifts to wrap. A house to clean. A party to host tonight.

“You’re taking it back with you this time.” I glared at Chris. “I’m pawning this case off on the FAC, and I’m sure you’ve got plenty of students who could use another ID under their belt.”

“There’s no way I’m putting human remains in my brand-new car.”

“There’s no way I’m driving to Knoxville today, and Gus won’t let me bring anymore pets home with me. I’ll rock, paper, scissors you for it.”

He rolled his eyes. “Fine. Not that there will be any students in the lab until January. But if it’s historic, and we don’t need to ID immediately, I’ll take it with me tomorrow.” He paused. “In my eight... day... old... Mercedes-AMG GT.”

“That sounds expensive.”

He gave me a double take, which probably meant I couldn’t even conceive of just how expensive it was.

“How can you afford that?”

“Veneers, baby. I’m a dentist first. That’s how I can afford to help forensics cases and have a car like that.” He gestured to the fancy black sports car behind us. It wasn’t overly flashy. It was low-profile, sleek, and reeked of wealth. I knew nothing about cars.I didn’t even know Chris was into cars. Or that he was wealthy. More than dentist-wealthy.
