Page 111 of The Bones of Love

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I liked any pressure from her. Her featherlight strokes—the kind where she was just feeling my skin—sent shivers down my spine. Her firm grip was just on the wrong side of too firm and I liked that little hint of pain, too. The kind that made me grit my teeth and suck in a breath while thrusting into her palm.

Just when I thought I was about to come so hard I thought I might have a stroke, she dropped her hands, lowering them to the bed so she was on all fours. She looked up into my eyes as she flattened her tongue against the underside of my cock. I groaned, dropping my head back against the pillows.

“Look at me, Gus. I want you to see who’s making you feel this good.”

“Sweetheart.” I picked my head up, threading my hands into her loose black strands. “The sight of my cock on your tongue is going to make me come so hard I might bruise the back of your throat.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

“Fuuuuck.” I unconsciously thrust into her waiting mouth.

Closing her mouth over my fat, blood-darkened head, her eyes widened before her lids grew heavy, as if my cock was dripping honey instead of pre-cum. She couldn’t take all of me. I was too big. She was too tentative. I knew she didn’t want to hurt me. As if she could.

But what she lacked in skill, she made up for in enthusiasm, and all of it felt fucking fantastic. She tried bobbing her head up and down quickly. Amazing. She hollowed her cheeks and sucked the head, swirling her soft tongue around the tip. Perfection. Watching my cock disappear inside those pillowy lips was the most gorgeous thing I’d ever seen. Then she lowered herself down, down, down and took as much of my shaft as she could, gagging herself before pulling back and doing it again. Each time she choked, the spasm massaged the head of my dick. My vision was lost.

I had to reach back and grip the bars of the headboard to keep my hands off her.

It didn’t stop me from thrusting into her, fucking her mouth the way she’d been craving, choking her with my desperate cock until... her hand moved frantically over her breast, teasing her nipple through the silk. It wasn’t enough. She had to touch herself. Had to rub that swollen pussy. God, I loved how turned on she was. It wasn’t just an act to please me, it felt good for her, too.

“Fuck yes, Crow. Touch yourself. Make yourself come with me.”

She didn’t hesitate in her need. Her hand slipped down the negligée and got lost from my view. Her moan when she found the spot did something clear up inside my chest.

“I’m gonna come, baby. I’m gonna fill that pretty mouth. If you don’t want—ah!” My body jerked off the bed as she did something to me. I rode her mouth and held on to the headboard for dear life. But she didn’t falter. She sucked harder, swallowed more, gagged and gagged again. Crying tears even as she against her hand.

The sight of her going wild from this was too much. “Fucking come, Crow,” I demanded, too harshly. An embarrassing lack of finesse.

Her eyes slammed shut as she squeezed sound out from around my insistent dick. My God, she’d really done it. She’d brought herself to orgasm because she couldn’t wait. Panting on my cock, she wrapped her hand—wet from her pussy—around the base, squeezing and holding the foreskin back. The fluid glistened as she used her own lube to swirl around my base. “I... Fuck. Now, baby. It’s coming now.” My ass bucked off the bed and I made an awful noise in the back of my throat. My cock pulsed thick streams of cum like we hadn’t just fucked this morning. My orgasm lasted forever. I couldn’t stop rocking, my whole body pulsing with eachheartbeat. I was coming, and she drank down every drop like it was the Blood of Christ and she was on her deathbed.

Time was lost to me. I didn’t even know how long she’d been lying next to me. I flinched when she laid her hand on my chest. Too overstimulated, every hair on my body had extrasensory nerves. Every cell tickled and simultaneously rejoiced.

Damn, my wife ate dick like a fucking porn star.

I wanted to ask her what heavenly realm she’d come from. How could it be possible that a woman so perfect for me could be perfect in that way, too?

Still too bloodless and brainless to talk, we lay there, tangled on top of the quilt, her head now resting on my chest. My heavy hand was on her head, and I made no effort to lighten the weight. Really, I was incapable. I couldn’t move. Not even to blink. Not even to tell hergreat job on the dick sucking.If a fire broke out, I’d die of smoke inhalation.

My heart thudded slower and slower, less thick, no longer clogging my ears with its rush inside my arteries. Finally, I could breathe again.

Decca nestled closer, tucking herself around my body, draping a leg over my thighs and fingering my not quite soft dick, playing with it, making it hers.

I was thrilled to share.

Seconds ago, my heart had burst from the greatest orgasm my body had ever known. Now it was healed and filling up with something more. Something bigger than blood flowed through its valves and chambers.


I’d always loved her, of course. I’d loved her as a friend. I’d loved her as a child of God. But as a wife... maybe I’d always loved her like that, too. No, loving her as a wife shouldn’t feel this... crushing.This had to be something else. Something all-consuming. Terrible and disastrous and wonderful all at once. If every man loved his wife this way, the world would stop functioning. They’d never leave their beds.

“I’ve never seen an uncircumcised penis in person. Well, not on a living body.”

“Gross.” I chuckled. “This isn’t the first time you’ve seen my dick.”

“No, but I’ve only seen it when it’s hard and by then, it pretty much looks the same as a circumcised one. I didn’t realize anything was different until George mentioned your foreskin—”

“George did what?” My chest tightened. My mouth dried up.Why was she talking to my brother about cocks?

“I asked Bethany for some pointers, and he chimed in. He did it for her sake, mostly. Those two have an odd idea of foreplay.”
