Page 18 of Savage Ice

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He jerked his hand from the door. Whirled for his desk.

A knock rapped on the door. Every muscle in his body locked down. Avalon wasn’t giving up. And if she was so determined to see him again, then, screw it. She’d get him and she’d find out what happened when his control absolutely shattered.

In a flash, Beau ripped open the door. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have slammed—” He stopped.

One of his bouncers—Kai—lifted a dark brow at him. Kai had grown up in Maui, and Beau didn’t really get why the guy had left paradise. But, hell, they were all running from something, weren’t they? So when Kai had turned up, wearing one of the loudest Hawaiian shirts in the world and looking for work even as shadows filled his eyes, Beau had offered him a job.

That had been a year ago.

“Boss, did you just apologize?” Kai stared at him as if Beau had two heads.

So Beau flipped him off. He and Kai were friends, dammit, and if you couldn’t tell a friend to fuck off, then who could you tell? Oh, wait, I tend to tell everyone that. “I wasn’t apologizing to you.”

“Sounded like you were. I’m the only one here.”

He glowered.

Kai smirked. “You thought I was the pretty lady.”

He raked a stare over Kai’s six-foot-two frame and bulging biceps. “Yep, that’s what I thought.”

“She’s gone. Recognized her, of course, from the photo I saw on your phone that time.”


“Remember when you showed it to me that night when I drank your ass under the table?”

Beau crossed his arms over his chest. “Why are you talking to me right now?”

“Because she left alone. On foot. It’s close to one a.m. And I know about your…habits.”

His teeth snapped together. “On foot?” Why the hell hadn’t she taken a taxi or a ride share or some shit?

“Uh, huh. Walked right out on her own two feet. Want me to make sure she gets home all right? Seeing as how I know she’s important to you, I thought you might want someone to be there for her?—”

He shouldered past Kai. “Run things while I’m gone.” He’d been training Kai as a bouncer-slash-manager. The man could handle the bar.

And I’ll handle Avalon.

“On it!” An immediate reply from Kai. “You just go take care of that very, very important business. And may I say, she is even hotter in real life.”

Beau stopped. Turned. Looked at Kai.

“Got it.” An understanding nod. “I may not say that. Message received.”

Beau growled, then he went after his prey. Not like it would be the first time that he trailed Avalon Trahan into the night.

Not the first time.

Not the fifth.

Hell, Beau had lost count of the number of times he’d followed her through the dark. Because…

I’m the woman’s fucking stalker.

And she had no idea that she’d just kissed her stalker as if she’d been hungering for him her entire life.

Chapter Four
