Page 17 of Savage Ice

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But in a flash, an unreadable mask was back in place on his face, and she thought that maybe she’d imagined the longing. Or projected what she was feeling. Because… “I thought about you for years! And when we’re finally face to face again, you barely have time to talk to me? Seriously? Haven’t you ever been curious about me? Didn’t you ever wonder what became of me? I would have died without you!”

He shrugged. Shrugged. “You’re in the news a lot. I think I’ve read one or two of your books. I knew what became of you.”

Well, fantastic for him. “I didn’t know what happened to you!”

“Here I am.”

Yes, indeed. Here he was. Living in the exact same town she lived in. He’d been so close, and she hadn’t known. Soon, though, she’d know everything.

By this time tomorrow, she intended to absolutely rip into his life and discover every detail that she possibly could.

“I wouldn’t.”

“Excuse me?”What was he talking about? What had she missed?

“You’re curious about me. You want to know more. You’re going to use those research skills of yours and dig into my life.” A negative shake of his head. “I don’t recommend doing it. You won’t like what you find. I’ll become one very tarnished hero in your mind. The disappointment will consume you.”

“Have skeletons in the closet, do you?” He was just making her more curious. A bad mistake.

“More like I have bodies buried under the bar.”

She laughed.

He didn’t.

“You’re so fucking beautiful.” Gruff.

And Avalon stopped laughing.

“Be careful in this world.” Flat. Grim. “There are too many people who like to destroy beautiful things.”

People like Everett? People who needed to be stopped?

She stepped over the threshold. Tried to think of something to say. This couldn’t be how their night ended. Not how they ended. Not after all this time. Avalon spun back toward him. “I?—”

He shut the door.

And she heard the flip of a lock.

“Dick move,” she snapped.

Did soft laughter echo through the door?

“I will be back.” A warning for him. But when she came back, she’d be armed with a whole lot more intel. “Goodbye for now, Beau LeBlanc.”

“Goodbye, Avalon Trahan.” His hand pressed to the wood of the door. Yep, total dick move. But he’d had two options. Either shut the door and be a dick…or grab tight to Avalon and never freaking let go.

When your obsession walked straight up to you in your own bar, it tended to screw with your head. Break your control. Make you want to take and take and take the one person you wanted the most.

Avalon was here. I kissed Avalon. My Avalon.

She didn’t know about the things he’d done in his life. At least, she wouldn’t know yet. But the woman was truly hell on wheels when it came to investigative work, and he understood that she’d start digging at the first opportunity. She truly would not like what she discovered. No one ever did, not when it came to his past.

I kissed Avalon.

And it had been even better than in his fantasies. His damn dick was still hard.
