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Melanie laughed. “Sorry. Jealousy slips out when I least expect it.”

“That’s why I love you. You’re so… real, my friend.”

“Yeah, a real jerk. Say what you mean. I can take it. Oops, the customers are lining up. Gotta go. See you on Saturday.”

Early morning runs and shopping with her mom helped pass the time. She hadn’t heard from Luke and was tempted to go to the honky-tonk, but something held her back. She’d never been one to run after any guy… she wouldn’t start now at her age.

Instead, she passed the time cleaning out her wardrobe, playing cards with her mom and Bernie, and simmering when her phone stayed silent. As Luke continued to ghost her, she felt her anger growing.

Arguments formed in her mind… scenes where she told him to go back to the devil who spawned him. His bad treatment of her meant he’d given up the best thing that would ever happen to him.

And so on…

Finally, Saturday evening rolled along. Thankful that she’d agreed to take on this job, she joined Melanie in the car.

“Gotta admit, I’m glad to get out of the house for a while. Bernie’s loving, puppy dog gazes when Mom’s not looking are driving me crazy.”

“Aww… come on. Admit it. It’s kinda cute. I hope your mom decides to give the guy a chance.”

“Me too,” Honey laughed. “Speaking of romance, how’s things going with you and Jess?”

Melanie swerved and got a honk for her lack of caution. Of course, it didn’t deter her from sharing. “My God, Honey, he’s so cool. Did you know he’s close to finishing an online business management course? Nudie’s owner figures the guy in charge of the club now is looking at retirement in the next year or two. He wants Jess to take over the assistant spot now with the idea of him stepping into the main position as soon as he gets his degree.”

“Seriously? That’s really wonderful, Mel. Who knew the guy had so much going for him. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a sweetheart, but so quiet.”

Mel arched her brow and made a comical face. “You know what they say about the quiet ones.” Becoming serious again, she continued, “Jess’s dedicated and honest to a fault. Between us, I can’t get enough of the man. I think he’s the one, Honey. I’m terrified and excited at the same time. Yet the minute I see him, everything settles into place, and I just know. He likes me being me.”

“Okay. Then he does need treatment.”

“Not funny.” Mel sneered cheekily.

“Sorry. Not sorry.” Honey teased. Then sobered. “In other words, he’s smitten and perfect for you.”

Mel’s ridiculous sigh had Honey laughing. “You’re so in love, my girl. I can’t wait to see the beautiful babies you two will have.”

Mel sighed even louder, ending the noise in a squeal. “Me too. His wonderful dark skin and my blue eyes.” She waved her hand in Honey’s direction. “Now to make the world a perfect place, you and Luke should be together, and we can have our families at the same time.”

Honey gulped back her reactive groan and admitted, “Except I haven’t heard from the jerk in days. I think he’s over me, Mel.”

“The man’s not insane, dummy. Trust me, he’s not over you.” When Honey didn’t answer, she added, “Did you call him? Hell, just come out and ask him what’s going on.”

“Uh huh. No way. I’d never stoop that low. A girl has her pride.”

“Sure, the same girl who gave me that advice not too long ago if I remember correctly.”

“Maybe, but you’re different. You have the guts to take whatever the answer is.” Honey looked at Mel and let the sadness of his rejection show in her expression. “I’m barely keeping it together. No way, I could handle a vocal brushoff. Better to just let him make the next move.”

They arrived at the house before Mel could argue. She just reached over and patted Honey’s arm. “I love you and so does Jess and your mom and Bernie, and the kids at school, and —”

Honey’s laughter cut Mel off as a man stepped from the gatehouse and approached. “Sorry ladies, before you’re allowed in, you gotta hand over your cellphones. We’re keeping them safe here. They can be retrieved at the end of the night.”

Since it had become a custom for many of the catering parties to follow this rule, neither girl argued. Instead they did as requested, gave their names to be put on the individual phone sleeves and followed directions to the parking area.

As they exited the car, Melanie wrapped her arm around Honey’s waist to guide her toward the caterer’s activity area and whispered, “Let’s enjoy tonight and let the rest of the world go by. Deal?”

“Deal.” Honey smiled brightly and they both headed forward to get their instructions.


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