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“Tell her… Okay, just tell her it’s not what she thinks it is. That woman kissed me. I-I… shit, never mind. Give Jess her number so I can reach her. Will you do that for me, darlin’?”

“Yeah. If she says I can. She’s my best friend and she only came here tonight cause I begged her to be with me when I saw Jess again.” Mel started to move away but stopped. Then she turned and winked at him. “That’s what she made me promise to say if anyone asked.”


Hurrying after her friend, she gave a little wave and rushed to catch up. “Honey, stop. He wanted to talk to you. Why are you acting this way?”

“Who, me? I didn’t force my kisses on one woman and an hour later do it again.”

“You’re being silly. You know he didn’t have a choice this time. That witch plastered herself all over him before he knew what she intended.”

“Maybe. But she had to know it would be fine with him, right? Let’s face it, women don’t kiss a man unless they feel they’d be welcomed.”

“Hell, girl, you’ve been way too sheltered. Some of the females I’ve met would kiss a turkey if they felt like it. They’re the ones who’ll do whatever they want to, and woe betide any man who thinks they might have a say.”

“Whatever. I don’t care. I just want to get home.”

“Wait. You stop right now. There’s something else going on. Spit it out.”

“What are you talking about?” Honey tried to play it cool. Then she saw the stare that Melanie aimed her way. A look that said don’t mess with me, and she deflated. “So… I got another text earlier. After we got to the bar. Like the other ones.”

Melanie stiffened, her eyes shooting sparks of anger. She grunted words between her clenched teeth. “No. Frigging. Way. I thought they’d stopped. You said they had.”

“They did stop. Once I got the new phone number… remember after the trial, I felt safe. But now they’re back. And it’s bad, Mel. They’re not only threatening to kill me, but now they’re zeroing in on my mom too.”

Melanie took Honey’s arm and guided her into the nearest hotel lounge where they could have a coffee in peace and quiet. As soon as they were settled with mugs of steaming liquid, she held out her hand for Honey’s phone.

“Let’s see.”

Her face furious, Mel scrolled through the messages. “They look like the same kind of texts you were getting before. It has to be Tansy playing her stupid games again. Now that Victoria’s parents moved her away, and she’s no longer a victim, they’re focusing on you. It’s just more bullying. You saw the shit the cops showed us from Victoria’s social media. Same words. You’re dead, ugly bitch. And you deserve to die.”

“You forgot this part… where they say – you and that dumbass mother of yours.”

“Fucking sickos.”

“You’re right. But it doesn’t make it any easier to read when the words are directed at me and my family. I hated it before, but I thought I was finished with the nonsense. Now it’s starting all over again. I’m so sick of being the target.”

“Honey, once you got those school kids who were being victimized working together into groups, the bullies were cut off from their patsies. They hate you for thwarting their fun. You get that, right? Maybe ignore it.”

Honey searched Melanie’s face, her eyes digging deep and not giving an inch. Unable to withstand the scrutiny, Melanie coughed and let go with the perkiness. “You’re right. It’s bullshit. Let’s go to the cops.”

“Sure and listen to them say their resources are stretched with the city full of tourists. And they can’t follow up on every crime of harassment being committed. You know they won’t do anything.”

Melanie’s lips tightened, her grimace of agreement enough – no words were necessary.

“Let’s go home.” Honey stood to leave.

“No way you’re going to your place. Come home with me.”

“Sure and be there with you to greet Jess when he arrives. Not a chance in hell. Look, I’ll be careful. But they’re not running me off, Mel. Not this time. If they come after me, they’ll get a little more than they bargained for.”

“Sure with two or three of them and one of you. Come on, my friend. You can take care of yourself, I know that. But this could be where you’re wrong.”

Honey opened her purse to show the can of pepper spray nestled there. “I don’t think so. I’ll just slip this in my pocket and keep it in my hand if I feel danger anywhere near me.”


An hour later, Honey realized she had no idea what she was talking about. When she arrived back at her place after dropping Mel off, she parked her car and started walking to the door of her building. With her mind captivated by the voice of a heart-stopping singer, and her head in the clouds revisiting the kiss in a back room, she wandered through the warm night oblivious to her surroundings.

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