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When hands clutched at her, she had no time to take control of the situation. Before she knew what happened, fists where pummeling her from different sides.

Because her brain took seconds to kick in, it gave her assailants the time they needed to overpower her. When training conquered her fear it defied her first instinct to crumple into a small ball as a protective stance. And with a roundhouse kick aimed at the person behind her, she felt the joy of connecting, and that tiny bit of success spurred her on.

A little voice reminded her to reach in her pocket to retrieve the pepper spray. While she did so, she took more punches and a kick in her leg putting her to the ground. But eventually, she was able to lift her arm and push the nozzle towards her attacker.

One took the stream full in the face and backed off screaming. Honey shot to her feet to follow but someone behind her slammed something into the back of her head and down she went.

Chapter Seventeen

Watching Honey and Mel leave had Luke grinding his teeth all the way back into Nudies. He hated that he had to return when all he wanted to do was follow them. He imagined catching up with the curly-headed witch and making her listen… blasted, stubborn, cantankerous female.

But he also knew that the sooner he found out the name to the gang selling the bad drugs, the sooner his job would be done. He’d be able to go back to his real life and approach Honey properly.

Stopping in his tracks, his brain pounded a question that needed an answer. Is that what you really want?

The fuck do I know.

Before he could change his mind, his workaholic tendencies kicked in, and he politely began pushing away from the fans suddenly crowding around. Returning, he found that the woman he’d left waiting had disappeared. He asked the others at her table about where she had gotten to, and they all pointed toward the bar.

Following, he sidled up next to her and asked, “Hey sugar, can I buy you a drink?”

“Oh, there you are. I’ve been waiting for you. And I don’t take kindly to waiting on no man.” The woman who’d bathed in perfume fumbled with her drink.

“Sorry, Wendi. I’m here now.” Damned if he’d look her in the eye.

The sour stare he got from Lindy behind the bar set him back, but he couldn’t let it interfere with this performance. He placed the order for two tequila shots and beers to follow and took his new friend to a corner table furthest from the stage where they could have some privacy.

She leaned into his space, and he saw the evidence of drugs in her dilated, pinpointed pupils. “Remember what we were talking about yesterday when we met?” He kept his voice cajoling.

“Sure do, sugar. You still wanting a bit of relief while performing?”

“Like I told you, it’s wearing me down having to get up there every night. But paying off my ex’s alimony is expensive, and I can’t afford the store-bought stuff. You know what I mean?”

“Of course. I had to give up the pricey shit a while ago. But I got a friend who gives me a little something extra if I bring in new clients.” Bending forward, her exposed bustline meant to draw the eye just seemed pathetic. He looked up at the streaked blonde frizz that she’d teased into a mess. Tied back, it revealed the inches of roots not covered. Then he caught her eye again, trying to appear needy. “Think he’d make the same deal for me?”

“Don’t know.”

Suddenly, he saw irritability crawl over her expression, and her mood changed. She started a new sentence but slurred her words and her eyes had trouble focusing. He couldn’t tell if it was the shot of booze affecting her or if she needed a hit. Before he could make up his mind, she stumbled to her feet, picked up her purse and headed to the ladies’ room.

While he waited for her, he crouched over his still-full bottle of beer and reviewed the last few hours. The best part, other than the time he spent with Honey in the room behind the bar had to be on stage with Hamilton. Even Jess had thawed in his welcome of the man.

His old mentor had purposely come in to wish him a happy birthday. And Luke truthfully admitted that his showing up was the best present he could have given him.

Sharing the stage with his friend had meant the world. Hell, they hadn’t played dueling guitars for eons. Took him back to when as a young buck, he thought he could out-talent his teacher only to be proven wrong.

To this day, old Ham could play him under the table. He was a God-given genius. Whereas Luke had been taught by the best, sure, but Ham only had to hear music, and he’d replay it perfectly every time. A person had to be born with that knowledge instilled and thankfully Ham had found he had it early in life. It made him a happy man. Not successful in the commercial ways, sure… but up on a stage performing for the appreciative folks meant the world to him.

Before Luke could reminisce further, he heard a commotion coming from the ladies’ room. A woman ran out screaming for anyone who had Naloxone. He jumped up but Jess beat him to it. He’d rushed out from behind the bar, pushed into the room ahead of Luke, and administered the nasal spray to Wendi like a pro.

Christ, now what? Would the blonde still be willing to give him the information on the guy who almost killed her?

Linda sidled up beside him. “You know that’s the second time we’ve had to revive Wendi. She’s spiraling bad these last few weeks.”

“No, I didn’t know that. She’s a-a friend from a while back. We were just catching up.” He stood watching, rather than taking charge.

“Hey, you don’t have to explain your relationship to me.” Her eyes were less condemning but still held censure.

“No. Really. I was trying to contact an old acquaintance we both hung out with before she hit the skids. Now I doubt she’ll be able to give me his number.”

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