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“That’s right. I remember. Jess came over to tell me he’d fallen in love… the silly kook. He’s so shy, I’m amazed Luke got him to take up his suggestion. But then he idolizes the guy, so I guess it’s not that farfetched.”

“You know Jess well?”

“Sure do. Been working at the place for close to fifteen years now. Jess came in off the streets about twenty years ago, and they took him in. Poor bastard was a mess back in them days. Couldn’t hardly talk from all the booze and crap he’d used. Add his shyness into the mix, and he’d have been a goner if not for Ham. He did the same for Luke back in the day. That man sure knows how to pick the good ones.”

“Ham? Is he with the band?”

“Sometimes. His name is Hamilton Jones. And, Honey, that black man is one of the best guitar players in the city… hell in the whole country. Keeps a low profile though, never known him to break out much. But if he wants a place on any stage in town, all he has to do is show up with his instrument, and they all welcome him with open arms.”

“Oh, I’d love to meet him. Do you know when and where he’ll be playing?”

“Not really. Well, except for tonight. It’s Luke’s birthday, so no doubt, he’ll be there to celebrate it with him. Those two are close.”

Honey couldn’t help herself. “You like Luke a lot, don’t you?”

“Ye-hah. He’s been good for the place. We’ve gone through a lot of bands in the last year but having Luke pair up with Matt and the rest of the band – well that’s been fantastic for business.”

“Speaking of business, do you know of anyone on the street who plays in a band, possibly in Nudies, but could have been hanging out with criminal types say twenty years ago?”

“Hell, girl. Now why would you ask me something like that?”

Honey hesitated and then decided to give Linda a bit of information so she wouldn’t consider her a nutcase.

Linda listened and then repeated Honey’s words. “Your sister? She was killed by two guys – one who died in prison and the other is still free and works with a band playing in Nudies. Wait… you figure the killer worked there twenty years ago, or he’s there now?”

Honey shrugged, deciding to be truthful. “I don’t know. All the detective said was he’s working on Broadway, and I had the feeling he was a musician.” Squeamish now, she added, “Actually, I’m not really sure it’s Nudies. It’s just that I saw a list of places in the police station, and Nudie’s was the only one highlighted.”

“You must know the bands change all the time. Hell, we’ve had so many different ones over the years, it’s impossible to remember them all. Also, a lot of the groups break up and the members often end up playing with someone else. Happens all the time.”

Honey felt deflated. “I kinda thought that might be the case. It was just a place to start.”

“Also, we have three stories, which means a variety of groups all hours of the day and night.”

“That’s true. I guess I’m being silly. But Katrina and I were so close even though there was a huge gap in our ages. I guess she was like a second mother to me back then, and it’s killing me that the police never caught the two bastards who took her life.”

Linda’s face became thoughtful. “Caught one though, didn’t they?”

Honey had to agree. “Yeah. Guess so. But what about the other guy still walking free? It’s not right.”

Linda kept snipping but she did stop long enough to look at Honey in the mirror. “You coming back to the bar tonight?”

“Not planning on it, why?”

“I can ask around if anyone remembers rumors about musicians who were in trouble with the law or should have been. We’ve had some real mucky-mucks and sad cases over the years. Just not sure how many of those players have stuck it out that long.”

Stiffening with gratitude, Honey’s voice rang with true feeling. “You’d do that? Thanks, Linda. I appreciate it so much.” Honey felt a kinship to the older woman and reached for her hand without thinking.

Linda held it, squeezed before letting go, and added shyly, “You’re welcome, Honey. I feel bad that you lost someone so dear to you. My mom took off when me and my sister were still in elementary school. It’s terrible enough to have been discarded so one never gets over the feeling of abandonment. But it must be worse when you know your person never intended to leave.” She blinked away the gathering moisture. “Not sure it will do you any good getting answers. Just promise if we do find out any info that seems pertinent, you’ll take it to the police.”

“I promise.”

Linda swiped at the hair still clinging to Honey’s shoulders and held up a hand mirror so she could check the back.

“Did you really cut it? No, I don’t mean to diss you, I can see all the hair on the floor, but it still looks so long.”

Linda’s bashful expression gave away her guilt. “I thinned it out which makes it hang a bit looser. Trust me, I trimmed it like you asked.” She lovingly reached for one last handful of hair and sighed. “It’s so pretty.” Then she looked into the mirror at Honey. “What’s your name, Honey? I feel silly calling you by an endearment all the time.”

Laughing, she arched her brow and used a teasing tone. “My name is Honey. Honey Bolder.”

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