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Her heart wavered while facing the truth. Those poor people never started their lives thinking they’d end up this way. Either sickness or a bad beginning had pushed them into this nightmare.

On the other hand, it was a blasted shame the world had come to this… where a woman wasn’t safe on the streets of her own city. A thought interrupted, and she finally let it have space in her head. What smart, purse-carrying female today leaves a well-lit area on her own to go looking for a taxi?

She read the papers and watched the news. She knew better. What pissed her off was admitting to not paying attention because she’d been too busy remembering a sexy cowboy singing the music she loved.

Plus, after all this bullshit, she hadn’t gotten any closer to getting information about her sister. Falling asleep with disappointment searing her soul, she woke early.

The night before had been impossible to strike up a serious conversation. On the other hand, she’d learned that Linda, one of the older part-time bartenders was also a hairdresser who worked at an establishment Honey often visited.

Turns out she held down two jobs to afford her rent. And she’d be at her second gig that day. Hoping to get an appointment, Honey raced to her phone, found the website where one could make a reservation. Five minutes later, she danced around the room. Yes! Four o’clock this afternoon – a cancelation had just been recorded.

She’d be careful not to push too hard, but she had to start somewhere, didn’t she? Racing to get her day started, she pushed away thoughts of the singer but found herself humming his tunes.


Yes, there she was.

As Honey stepped into the large establishment later that day, she hoped there’d only be one hairdresser named Linda. She took a chair and waited to be called.

Scanning the place, she soon made out the pretty, middle-aged woman who she’d come to see. With her brown hair arranged in a messy bun on the top of her head, ringlets of loose hair falling on each side of her face, she looked like she’d kept the same style from the night before. It suited her, helping her long-lashed eyes stand out in competition with her light blue eyes. Considering the amount of makeup she used, all professionally applied, she could be on stage.

Her lady customer laughed at something Linda said before she stood to leave, and Honey was even more delighted when they hugged. Taking it as a sign that meant the bartender, slash hairdresser, had a warm heart, Honey hoped she’d be willing to talk about what she knew.

Soon, with her hair dripping, she was perched on a salon chair in front of Linda.

“Okay, Honey, what did you want me to do with your beautiful hair?”

Honey laughed at the fact that the woman had used her name without being aware of what she’d done. It happened often. She waved her hand nonchalantly and suggested, “How about we cut it all off?”

“What? Nope. Don’t make me.” Linda stepped back, her face a picture of horror. “I love your curls. I couldn’t live with myself if I messed with nature’s perfection.” Her beseeching look in the mirror let Honey know she was and yet wasn’t kidding.

“It’s okay. My mom would kill me if I did something so drastic. But I gotta tell you how tempting it’s been over the years. I guess it’s my fault for letting it get this long. Now the only way to get any control is by wetting it and adding conditioner. Then attacking it with a wide-tooth comb.”

All the time they talked; Linda lovingly fussed with her curls. “I’d give anything to have such a healthy head of hair. Mine’s a nightmare to work with. Have to pile on the goop and tease it to death before I can get any kind of style.”

“And here I was wishing I could do the same style with mine.”

“Honey, you can. Here, I’ll show you.” Linda quickly gathered all the strands and like a miracle worker, had it up and sitting on top of Honey’s head looking wonderful. “You just need to use some pins and voilà, it’s perfect.”

Honey laughed along with Linda. “I wish I had one of you in my bathroom drawer.”

“I’ve been told that before,” Linda giggled. “So what’s it gonna be?”

Honey pretended to mull it over before answering, “How about a trim… and could you thin it out a bit?”

“Sure. That, I’ll gladly do. But cutting it off – no way. I’d give up one of my four kids to have a thick head of natural blonde curls like this.” While she talked, Linda continued to comb through the long mass lovingly.

As she worked, Honey caught Linda looking at her with growing curiosity. “I know you from somewhere. Right. Wait… last night. You were in Nudies, at the bar. Hey, are you alright after Zed manhandled you like he did? Bastard should be shot.”

“I was a bit shook up, but I’m fine now.”

“Lucky you had Luke jump in to defend you. The rest of the girls were like jealous cats.”

“You mean the singer? Yeah. He’s annoyingly full of himself, isn’t he?”

“Who? Luke? No way. The man’s a regular gentleman – one of the last of the breed. Can’t tell you how many of the girls have given him the come-on, and he’s been real careful not to take them up on their offers. And, Honey, so you understand, them offers were sincere. Hell, if I was ten years younger, I’d jump them bones myself.” While she chatted, Linda worked her magic and Honey felt more relaxed than she had for days.

“My girlfriend, Melanie, said the same but then Luke introduced her to Jess, and she ended up with him. Probably still together. They hit it off.”

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