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She stepped back to safety when a pedaling party-bike filled with revelers all singing and waving drinks to the streetwalkers passed by and it made her laugh. She’d experienced that kind of entertainment many times when her friends were having celebrations for getting married or even birthdays.

Watching and enjoying the merriment, she made her way to a darker side of the street and turned the corner where she knew she’d likely find taxis. Not paying attention, she didn’t see the man in the dim-lit corner. Not until he’d accosted her from behind. She smelled the boozy stink and skanky body odor before she heard the growl.

When he grabbed at her, she was ready. Using a move she’d been trained for in moments like this, she pulled back and then aimed the web of her hand to his throat. Not exercising too much power, she left him bent over and clutching himself.

When she turned to run, another street punk came from behind him. Grasping what happened to his accomplice, he took his place and grabbed for her purse. Problem was, it wouldn’t break free, so she was pulled along with it. Not willing to give it up, she held strong, pushing this assaulter so hard, he fell into the garbage cans, clattering into them as they rolled everywhere. The noise only added an unbelievable aspect to the nightmare, which made her cry out as loud as she could.

Screaming now, she fought yet another attacker hard, trying to get away. Intending to run from the darkened area toward the lights of the street, she hit out. Her fists pounded his body without care where they landed. As if powered by a magical force, they kept striking. Just when she thought she’d get loose, his hand grabbed her hair and stopped her escape.

Chapter Ten

Luke left Nudies and headed a few blocks over to where he’d parked his truck when he heard the commotion. A woman’s angry, fearful screams made him stop and decide to get involved.

Not that he wanted any attention brought to him from the underworld, but he couldn’t just stand by if a woman was in trouble… could he? Shit!

He arrived at the darkened corner just in time to see the well-recognized blonde hair whirling around the head of a girl fighting for her life. It appeared as if she’d taken on three against one and was winning. Christ, she had the moves.

He’d watched many of his female cohorts caught in a mess like this one, and they hadn’t been able to handle it near as well. Unfortunately, this girl wasn’t just fighting off these three fuckers, she was annihilating them.

Stepping in to help, he held back the belligerent idiot, snarling from a sore throat, stammering that she’d tried to kill him. His eyes were filled with the aftereffects of too many drugs, and he stunk from bad living.

“You bitch. All we wanted was your purse. Christ, lady, you tried to kill me.”

Honey had no time for nice talk. Attitude obvious, her temper stoked, she yelled, “Leave me alone. Get away.” Yet she held a handful of hair from the man on the ground in front of her and had her foot back aimed to kick him.

Rather than getting there in time to help her, Luke found himself actually saving the attackers from her fury. “He’s trying to leave you alone, Honey, but you have to let go of his hair. That’s right darling. Let him go.”

Luke aimed a finger at the other two. “Get.”

They got.

“Come on, now. Let the brother go. He’s just stupid. Didn’t mean you no harm. Just wanted your purse.”

He went behind her and wrapped his arms around hers to haul her off the miserable low-life squatting in fear below her. The minute her hands released her hold, once free, the crawler crept a few feet as if terrified she’d grab him again. Then he struggled to his feet and stumbled after his friends.

Fighting Luke, Honey screeched, “What are you doing? Call the police.” She pushed against his arms, and he instantly let go. “They’re getting away.” She swung to confront him, her finger drilling his chest. “What’s wrong with you?”

“They’re homeless idiots who didn’t mean you harm. Their intentions were to steal your purse. You scared them into acting stupid.”

Honey couldn’t believe his words. “I scared them? Are you seriously going to stand there and tell me I was at fault for getting attacked?”

“Well… you were alone in a dark corner, and off the beaten track. Guess they figured you were fair game. Anyone ever warn you about taking those kinds of chances? Where’s Melanie?”

Honey shook her head, tears of anger hovering. She closed her eyes so he couldn’t see. He must have thought she was experiencing a breakdown because suddenly he’d stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her, his voice filled with sympathy. “It’s okay, darling. They won’t come back. I’ll take care of you.”

“Get… a-way… from me.” She pushed his chest and stared at him as if he’d lost his mind. “Are you insane? I’m the victim. They were the bullies. Don’t you get that?”

“I do. You’re right. Not arguing. Let me drive you home.”

“Not if you were the last drink of water in the largest desert on earth.” Giving him one last shove, she whipped around, and at a full run, she headed back to where the lights shone in the distance.

He hesitated, breathing so deep his whole body felt the wrenching sigh. Then he turned and headed back to his truck.

Chapter Eleven

Honey fumed all the way home. Lying in bed later, she replayed the events of the evening and finally concluded that maybe Luke was right. If they had called the police, what good would it have done? Those skinny, freaky; okay… that street litter would have spent the night in jail and been back on their corner the next day. Chances are, nothing would come of their incarceration.

Allowing the small voice nagging at her to be heard, she sagged. It pointed out what she already knew… that she should have sympathy for the losers who were abandoned misfits within a populace that had lost interest.

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