Page 41 of Only You, Only Us

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“Hey.” He’s sullen and edges into the room, his head drooped as he walks into the living room.

“Where have you been? You left me all day.” I keep scrolling on my phone, not giving him all my attention.

“I’m sorry. My dad got to me, and, well, I was mad that you didn’t want to spend the rest of the summer back here. I thought things were going great.” He comes to sit on the side of the chair and runs his hand through my hair. It’s annoying because it immediately calms me.

“They are. It doesn’t mean we need to spend every minute with each other. You ruined our day.” I look up at him to try and make him see. He looks lost, and it chips away at the mood I’d built up at him.

“I’m sorry. I’ve pissed you and my dad off and ended up ruining the day anyway.”

“Do you think everything is going to change when I leave? Because that’s not what I want, but you’re acting like we have a time limit. I don’t get it?”

“I hate being here when it’s just me. This is the first summer I’ve enjoyed.”

“You’re spoilt, that’s all.” I try to lighten the mood. “You’ll be fine for a few weeks. Besides, I’m sure I’ll see you when I’m still in Cornwall. I’ll only be down the road.”

He slides off the side of the chair and kisses my head as he squishes me.

“I promise not to waste any more time.” He lifts me to sit on his lap and gives me his biggest smile, like just being with me can turn his mood around.

“Good. What do you want to do to make it up to me?”

He pulls me towards him to kiss me, and it steals away the last of my anger at him.

The last few days seem to speed up, running down the clock on our time together. The weather is in our favour, and the sunshine keeps us outside and at the beach.

Being so close for this period of time has been intense but in a good way. And there’s been no more tantrums. Instead, we’ve talked, spent time at the beach, and explored, staying out of the way of his folks as much as possible.

They have a big party next week, and I’m a little relieved I won’t be there for it.

However, I already feel that being apart from Jeremy will be harder than I first thought it might be. While things started slowly, I can’t imagine not seeing him every day now.

“What are you doing?” Jeremy asks from the door.

“Packing. Are you still okay to take me to Tregethworth tomorrow, or shall I get Mum to pick me up?” I fold a few of my tops and shove them into my case.

“I’ll take you. I want to spend every last second with you.” He shuts the door behind him.

I stop, look up at him, tilt my head to the side and grin. “Jeremy?”

“It’s our last night.”

“I know.”

“Well, we have the place to ourselves.” His eyes drink me in, and the mood shifts in the room.

“You waited until the last night to come in here,” I tease. “I kinda hoped you’d have snuck in before now.” I stand up and cross towards him.

He doesn’t say anything but stands and stares. His hand trails down the side of my face and sends a race of goosebumps over my skin.

My heart rate speeds up, and my stomach flutters with nervous anticipation. But after our first time, there’s nothing to be nervous about now.

The journey over to Tregethworth is strained. Normally, the last part of this journey is filled with anticipation and happiness, like I’m coming home. But not this time. It’s unsettling, and I don’t like feeling like this.

The one place in the world I’ve always loved is here, ever since we came on our first visit. But today, that sense of ease has vanished, even as Mum stands outside the door to the cottage with a beaming smile on her face.

I jump out of the car and go to give her a hug.

“Oh, I’ve missed you. I’m so glad you’re here.” She squeezes me, and I feel some of the uncertainty leave.
