Page 39 of Only You, Only Us

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He stills, and panic rushes through me.

But then he hoists my knee and pulls me towards him. The position pushes him deeper inside of me, and I gasp, but he steels it with a kiss, silencing me as he starts to thrust back and forth.

“Oh, shit,” I put my hand over my mouth as I adjust and try to relax.

A buzz, like a current, runs through my veins, growing heavy with each jolt from Jeremy.

“Fuck, Anna. Yes. God, you feel so fucking sweet.”

He keeps going and then sits up, pressing himself impossibly deep as he looks down and tenses his jaw.

He lets out a sigh, and his whole body seems to slump.

His hand reaches between where we’re joined, and he rubs over the little bundle of nerves that seem desperate for attention.

As soon as he brushes that spot, my eyes roll back in my head with pleasure. “Holy shit!” I cover my mouth again, but Jeremy keeps working that little spot, charging every nerve, fibre, and atom in my body until I feel like I’m going to break apart at the seams. “Oh, yes, oh, yes!”

“That’s my girl. Fuck, you’re pretty like this.”

My body seems to pulse and throb, and a sated heat washes over me from my toes to my head, and all I want to do is sleep. I let my eyes close with a smile on my face.

Jeremy is talking to me. I think. But I can’t make out what he’s saying, and I don’t really care.

Chapter Eleven

It’s too warm.

I throw back the covers before I realise I’m not in my bed, and Jeremy’s still asleep next to me. I freeze for a moment before lying back down and facing him. He looks sad when he sleeps. The colour of his eyes is shielded away, and his mouth has a natural downturn. It’s why he looks so moody all the time at school. Pulling my arms to my chest, I watch him sleep, pretty amazed at where I am.


I woke a little while after our time together and cleaned myself up in the bathroom, hoping nobody questions the sheets when they’re changed. Then we fell back to sleep, wrapped in each other’s arms.

I’ll have to tell Sammy. I might wait for Mum to be here in Cornwall before I tell her, though. The urge is there — to share. But at the same time, it’s Jeremy. He’s the one I think of when I have something exciting to share now. He’s grown into this huge part of my world so fast and so completely. And last night cemented him into my heart.

My smile creeps over my lips as I imagine what our final year at school will be like. Together. But then I panic that this might just be a summer thing. Like last year when we went back to school, and he acted like a jerk.

No. Not this time. Not after all of this.

My heart thuds in confirmation.

I roll onto my back and feel the twinge between my thighs. Stifling a yawn, all I can taste is morning breath, so I sneak out of his room, check the coast is clear, and head back to mine for a shower.

Clean, with minty fresh breath, I dress and head down to breakfast, hoping Jeremy will have woken by now.

Mary already has a spread of breakfast treats out, and I help myself to a coffee and a muffin.

No sign of Jeremy, though.

“Morning, Anna.” Mr Archer walks into the kitchen, dressed in a suit and frowning.

“Morning, Mr Archer.” He looks at me as I smile but holds his stare for way longer than I’m comfortable with. I shift, ensuring I keep my eyes on my food and tear at pieces of muffin. Maybe he wants to say something about last night?

“Hey, morning.” Jeremy comes into the kitchen and dissipates the awkward tension. His face lights up when he sees me, the blue and green of his eyes shining brightly and a grin on his face just for me.

“Jeremy, good,” his father starts, “I wanted to see if you’d come out on the boat today. We’ve not used it yet, and the weather report is good. A little father-son time.”

“Um, sure, if Anna comes.” Jeremy comes to sit next to me at the breakfast bar, his earlier smile gone and the moody version of Jeremy back.
