Page 8 of His Savage Longing

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Aspen's body is a trembling mass of need as I press her further against the wall, using my weight to pin her in place. I grab a fistful of her hair, tugging her head back to expose the curve of her neck to me. She whimpers as I nip and suck at the tender skin there, marking her as mine.

“Fuck, Red,” I growl against her ear, my voice low and ragged. “I’ve missed this.”

"Show me how much you missed it, Zane," Aspen pants, her voice laced with desire. "Make me feel it."

Fuck, this woman.

I snake one hand around her body, finding her swollen clit and rubbing it mercilessly. She bucks against me, her desperate cries urging me on as I use my other hand to pinch her nipple hard, twisting the sensitive bud between my fingers.

The world has shattered into shards of blinding pleasure and guttural cries torn from our throats. I lose all sense of anything except this—the scorching heat of her surrounding me, the taste of her sweat, and the scent of pine smoke and feminine musk thick in the air.

I feel Aspen's inner walls beginning to flutter around me, her body winding tighter with each frantic thrust. She's teetering on the edge of ecstasy, and I'm poised to push her over it.

"Zane..." she keens, emerald eyes blazing into mine as that precipice draws ever nearer. "Oh god, don't stop..."

I have no intentions of dousing this wildfire raging between us.

Not until it burns us both to ashes.

Intertwining our fingers, I press her hands against the wall and surge forward with a bruising intensity. My hips collide with hers, again and again, driving us both toward that sweet, mind-numbing oblivion.

Aspen throws her head back with a ragged cry, every muscle pulled taut and quivering as that first searing wave crests over her. Her body convulses, her inner walls clamping down on me like a vise as she shudders violently against me.

The sight of her coming apart so completely is my undoing. Two more jarring thrusts and I follow her into oblivion with a hoarse shout, buried to the hilt as my own release sears through me. I can feel it pulsing through me, filling her as she continues to milk every last drop from me.

We're both trembling and drenched in sweat, chests heaving in unison as we slowly come back to ourselves. For a fleeting moment, there's a sense of peace unlike anything I've felt in years. A completeness that only Aspen's presence has ever been able to provide.

But it can't last—the harsh reality of what we've just done, of all the tangled history and unanswered questions still lingering between us.

Slowly, carefully, I ease back, pulling out of her, feeling her shudder at the loss of me. She turns on shaky legs, emerald eyes searching my face with an unreadable expression. There's a flush riding high on those beautiful cheekbones, her plump lips slightly parted as she struggles to catch her breath.

"Zane, I..." She trails off helplessly before swallowing hard. "I don’t know what to say."

The words are like a dousing of ice water, the momentary peace shattering around us.

"You're telling me," I mutter gruffly, averting my gaze as I begin retrieving my scattered clothing. "That was..."

"A mistake," she finishes for me, wrapping her arms around herself as if warding off a chill. "We can't let that happen again."

I stiffen at the dismissal, my temper flaring despite my efforts to contain it. "Is that so?"

Aspen shakes her head, her tousled curls bouncing. "You know it was. We're not the same people we were back then. Too much has happened, too much..."

She falters again, drawing a shaky breath as a shutter falls over those expressive eyes. When she continues, her voice is carefully devoid of emotion. "We need to stay focused on deciding Camp Silverpine's future. That's what's important here. Not... whatever this is between us."

I can't bite back the bitter scoff as I retrieve my torn shirt and shrug it back on haphazardly. She's right, of course—at least on a rational level. Aspen and I have always been an all-consuming wildfire, one that inevitably burns itself out before long.

But some perverse part of me still can't resist stoking those smoldering embers one last time. "You sure about that, Red?" I drawl, my voice a low rumble.

Her jaw clenches at the familiar nickname, those expressive eyes flashing with a hint of residual desire before she slams the shutters down again. "I'm sure."

With a terse nod, she turns and strides out of the dilapidated cabin with her head held high, leaving me to gather the tattered remnants of my control in her wake.

I know she's right, dammit. Aspen and I have never been able to resist this intoxicating, primal pull for long before it all goes up in flames again.

But even knowing the dangers, I can't resist the siren's call to chase that scorching oblivion just one... more... time.

Chapter 5
