Page 7 of His Savage Longing

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We stumble backward, a tangle of grasping limbs and roving hands as I propel us blindly toward the nearest abandoned cabin. The door clatters open, spilling us both inside.

Aspen wrenches her mouth free with a shuddering gasp. "Zane..." It's a strangled moan, half plea and half warning that I ignore completely.

My hands are already roaming, desperate to map every lush curve and hollow. She arches into my touch, her head falling back to expose the creamy column of her throat. A low growl rumbles up from my chest.

God, she's so fucking beautiful like this—wanton, uninhibited, unleashed.

I shove her against the nearest wall, her back thumping against the aged wood as I crush my mouth over hers again. She meets my intensity with equal ferocity. Every gasped breath, every ragged moan is saturated with a desperation born from too much history, too much longing left unslaked for far too long.

Somehow, my shirt is ripped open, buttons scattering. Aspen's fingers knot in my hair, tugging sharply. Teeth clash and nip, nails scrape against skin.

This isn't a tender reunion or sweet reconciliation.

It's pure, savage longing.

My hands find Aspen’s waist, dragging her t-shirt up until I can palm the lush curves of her breasts. She arches into my touch with a whimper, so fucking responsive.

Drunk on her intoxicating scent, the taste of her, I tear my mouth free just long enough to wrench her shirt up and over her head. Aspen's tousled crimson curls fall in a riot around those flushed, beautifully debauched features. Her emerald eyes blaze with a reckless fire I've only seen hints of until now.

"Zane..." she gasps again, and again, I silence her with another scorching kiss, swallowing every syllable.

My hands roam freely now, mapping each lush swell and valley as I reacquaint myself with that body I'd once worshiped so reverently. She may have changed in the years since I last touched her, but that intoxicating blend of delicate softness and toned strength is as intoxicating as I remember.

"So goddamn beautiful," I growl against her breasts.

Aspen keens softly at the rough scrape of my stubble, her nails scoring lines down my back. Every touch is a searing brand, marking her claim as thoroughly as I'm staking mine on her.

I hoist her up, pinning her against the wall as her legs instinctively lock around my waist. We're perfectly aligned, separated only by the remnants of our clothing and the last tattered vestiges of control. Aspen grinds against me, and I nearly blackout from the rush of need that scorches through me.

"You always did like to play a little too rough for your own good," I grit out with a sharp thrust of my hips against her core.

"And you loved every second of it." Aspen's breathless retort is laced with challenge as she moves her hips in a slow, excruciating roll designed to undo me completely.

I claim her mouth again, swallowing her whimpers as I fumble between us, opening her jeans just enough so that my hand can slip beneath her underwear. She moans into my mouth as I cup her mound and slide a finger inside her.

"You're so goddamn wet,” I groan against her mouth, feeling her slick heat envelope my finger.

She pants in response, her eyes on mine as I begin to move my finger in and out of her. I add another, stretching her, curling them up to hit that spot that I know will drive her wild. Aspen's nails dig into my shoulders, her legs tightening around my waist as she grinds down on my hand.

I pull my hand out of her jeans, her juices glistening on my fingers, and bring them to her mouth. She opens those luscious lips and tastes herself, tongue swirling and teeth scraping. I watch, hand braced on the wall beside her head, breaths coming heavily as my cock swells against my jeans.

“When’s the last time you were properly fucked?” I ask.

She releases my fingers with a pop. “I don’t remember,” she answers.

"That's a damn shame," I murmur, my hand trailing down until it wraps around her neck and draws her mouth to mine. "But don't worry, I'm going to make sure you never forget this.”

Her eyes flash defiantly. “Promises, promises.”

With a smirk at the challenge, I drop her legs from around my waist and spin her around so that her front is pressed against the wall. With one hand on her lower back to hold her in place, I use my other hand to yank her pants and underwear down to her ankles. She kicks them off, spreading her legs wider for me, shoving her ass back into my crotch.

Fabric rips, zippers rasp, and then I'm inside of her in one powerful thrust. Aspen's back bows, her cry of rapture echoing off the cabin's weathered walls as I bury myself to the hilt inside her scorching heat.

"Fuck..." The guttural curse wrenches free as the world whites out for one endless heartbeat.

We're still for a suspended moment, savoring that exquisite fullness. Then Aspen's hips surge back against me in a desperate roll that shatters the last threads of my control.

I move, driving into her with rough, punishing strokes as the dam shatters completely. There's nothing tender about this joining; no soft whispered affections or tender caresses. It's harsh and elemental, our bodies colliding with the same ferocious intensity as our clashing emotions. Anger, hurt, and soul-deep cravings all blending into something primal.
