Page 14 of His Savage Longing

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Aspen cries out my name as she comes, her body convulsing around my fingers. I keep lapping at her with broad, leisurely strokes as she rides out the aftershocks, prolonging her shattering high until she's a panting, boneless mass sprawled before me. Only then do I ease back onto my haunches, drinking in the sight of her utterly debauched and spent.

Aspen blinks at me through a heavy-lidded daze, her chest still heaving. There's something so beautifully unguarded about her in these moments, stripped bare in every sense of the word. It makes me ache for her in a way that has nothing to do with physical cravings.

"Come here." Her voice is a throaty rasp, laced with a naked longing that has me surging over her.

Our mouths collide again, and I groan against the lush heat of her tongue as it strokes along mine. Aspen's hands roam freely, mapping the hard ridges and planes of muscle with a reverence that makes me shudder. I can't resist the urge to rock against her, grinding my aching shaft against her leg. She whimpers into my mouth, those lush thighs parting as I settle between them.

"I need you inside me," she says, teeth scraping against my ear.

I nearly blackout at the husky demand, every muscle going rigid as I fight for the last threads of control. Reaching between us, I grasp my cock, angling the swollen head against her entrance. Aspen mewls, her fingers flexing against my shoulders as the broad crest parts those honeyed folds.

Inch by torturous inch, I ease myself into that searing haven until our hips are flush, our ragged breaths mingling. Aspen's eyes drift shut, those lush lips parting on a breathless whimper as she savors the exquisite fullness of me sheathed so deeply inside her. I mirror the reaction, my own gaze falling to the point where our bodies are fused so intimately.

"Look at me, Red," I command in a guttural growl.

Only when her emerald eyes flutter open do I move, rolling my hips to withdraw nearly all the way before driving home again in one powerful thrust. Aspen's head thrashes, a guttural keen tearing free as her nails score lines of fire down my back. The sting only spurs me on, each punishing stroke reigniting the wildfire between us.

There's no sense of urgency this time, no frantic race toward completion. We simply bask in the luxury of relearning each other's cadences and rhythms, savoring every ragged gasp and whispered endearment. I lose all concept of time as our bodies undulate together, the only sounds our mingled cries and the slick glide of sweat-slicked flesh.

At some point, our frantic tempo shifts, slowing to something deeper and more sensual. I ease onto my back, pulling Aspen astride me so we're chest to chest. She braces her hands on either side of my head, that glorious crimson mane tumbling around us as she begins to move with a slow, hypnotic roll of her hips.

"So goddamn beautiful," I rasp, trailing my palms down the sleek curves of her sides. Aspen's head tips back, her lips parting on a breathless moan as she takes me deeper with each achingly gradual descent.

I could stay like this for hours, basking in the velvet heat of her surrounding me as we make love with an unhurried tenderness. But I can already feel the telltale flutters building low in my groin, that delirious edge drawing inexorably closer.

My grip tightens on Aspen's hips, guiding her into an increasingly frantic tempo as that scorching spiral tightens further. She meets my urgency stroke for stroke, her inner walls beginning to flutter in those telltale contractions around my aching cock.

I growl her name like a prayer, every muscle going rigid as I hurtle over that blissful cliff. Aspen's own cry echoes off the walls as she shatters apart above me, her release milking every last pulse from the depths of my own.

We cling together through the aftershocks, foreheads pressed tight as we struggle for breath. Sweat-slicked and sated, our limbs tangle in a familiar way that feels more like coming home than anything I've known in years.

"You and me, Zane," Aspen whispers fiercely against my lips, her fingers brushing the damp hair from my brow. "Whatever comes next, we do it together. No more running, okay? I can't lose you again..."

The words trail off in a murmur, and I silence them with another searing kiss. My fingers tangle in those glorious scarlet tresses, cradling her skull as I pour every last ounce of certainty and conviction into the molding of our mouths.

"Never again, Red," I rumble against the silken heat of her lips. "You're stuck with me this time."

Aspen's brilliant smile is the only answer I need as we tumble back into the rumpled sheets, finally whole again after far too long spent broken apart.

Chapter 7



The dimly lit restaurant bustles with a lively din as Zane and I settle into a cozy corner booth. Rustic wooden beams stretch across the vaulted ceiling, while strings of Edison bulbs cast a warm, romantic glow over the intimate space.

Zane gives my thigh a reassuring squeeze under the table, his eyes crinkling at the corners in that way that makes my pulse kick up a notch. "Figured this would be a good place to unwind after all that planning today."

I lean into him with a soft chuckle, breathing in the familiar earthy musk that clings to his flannel shirt. "You mean after you tried convincing me that a few rickety cabins and an outhouse qualified as 'premium amenities' for the camp?"

He arches an eyebrow, his lips twitching in that damn near irresistible smirk. "I'm just saying, there's a certain charm to embracing a few creature discomforts out there. Builds character."

"You're lucky you're cute, Bishop," I tease, giving his firm bicep a playful shove just as our server appears with a tray of drinks.

"Campari and soda for the gentleman, and a Negroni for the lady," she chirps, distributing the cocktails with a polished flourish.

Zane offers the young woman a subtle nod of approval before she drifts off again.
