Page 65 of Cruel Expectations

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Just then, the office door opened. She whipped around, expecting to see Meadow standing there.

But it was Hunter. His tall body filled the doorframe.

His eyes were dark shadows.

He took a step inside the office. “What happened?”

Covertly, she closed the laptop.

In two strides, Hunter reached the desk. He braced a hand on the surface and leaned over her.

“Ivy. You don’t know this yet, but let me make it very clear to you. I am here for you. You can tell me anything. Understand?”

Her chest tightened at his tone—commanding and hot as hell.

She met his gaze and sank into it for a long heartbeat.

He reached out and brushed a tendril of hair off her cheek with all the tenderness that matched his expression. “Do you understand that I’m here for you? That you can share everything with me?”

Nodding, she bit down on her bottom lip and snapped open the laptop again.

The page came up for Hunter to see.

He shook his head. “What am I looking at?”

She pushed out a breath. “You’re looking at what I suspect is proof of my father’s gambling addiction. I can’t believe the man I grew up admiring so much…not only lied to me but let me down.”

* * * * *

When Hunter approached the back door of the ranch house, a figure stepped out of the shadows. His excellent vision picked out who it was before he ever reached for the sidearm he had tucked in the waist of his jeans.

“Webb. What are you doing lurking around outside the Graceys’ house?”

Zach Webb moved into the small pool of light coming through the kitchen window. Hunter had noticed that Ivy and Meadow left that light on day and night. More than once, he thought about it being a guiding light for the spirit of a loved one.

“I’m guarding the house. Like Colton asked.” Webb squared his shoulders in that no-bullshit way he had about him.

After fighting with the best of the best, Hunter recognized this guy didn’t take any shit from anyone. He didn’t need to see him get into a fight to know he would be lethal if pressed.

He gave Hunter a steady look. “I don’t need to ask what you’re doing here.”

Hunter moved toward the door, and Webb stepped in his path, blocking his way.

With a narrow look, Hunter took a step closer, putting him inches away from the ranch manager. “I’d advise you to get out of my way.”

“I need to hear you say that you’re not just fucking around with Ivy. You’re going to be there for her. Right?”

Hunter had never justified his actions to anyone. However, Webb’s protective daddy act was touching in a way.

He flexed his jaw. “I got her. I’m not leaving.”

Until now, he hadn’t allowed his mind to wander this deep into his relationship with Ivy. Now that the words were out, he couldn’t take them back. Didn’t even want to.

After a long moment of appraisal, Webb gave a hard nod. Then he stepped aside, allowing him to enter the house.

The place was dark and quiet. A glance down the hallway showed that Ivy’s room was also cast in darkness. But a small sliver of light under another door led him straight to it.

When he placed a hand on the door, he realized it wasn’t pulled shut the entire way. As he pushed it open, his gaze fell on Ivy. Seated at her father’s big desk, her blonde tresses mussed as if she’d been running her fingers through the thick mass while she worked.

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