Page 55 of Cruel Expectations

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The house was silent, a shell of what it had been in their happy childhood years. Everything that happened stripped the life from their home, leaving it empty.

She walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator.

Ugh. And we’re low on supplies too.

The refrigerator was almost empty with only a few condiments hanging out on the shelves.

Supplies she could cover with her own money.

The ranch may have money problems, but she could afford to stock them up on food, drinks and other necessities.

By the front door, she grabbed a set of keys to one of the ranch trucks and walked out. The screen door banged shut behind her, and she hurried down the porch steps, already feeling lighter than she had five minutes ago.

The nice weather improved her mood even more as she walked to the garage where all the vehicles were parked. As she turned her head, she looked off in the direction she always walked to get away from the stress of being at home.

Only this time, all she could think about was the poor ranch hand they found in the pond.

For days she’d been stuffing down the fact that someone had died on their property. It probably wasn’t an accident either. Hunter told her to leave the worrying to him and Colton, but how could she stop thinking about somebody being killed on their land? Or her sister being attacked? It wasn’t possible.

Her boots crunched on the gravel. When she reached for the door of the truck, a large hand landed in front of her, holding it shut.

Those familiar fingers raised awareness of the pleasure they were capable of. She followed the long lines to a strong wrist and then looked up into Hunter’s steel-gray eyes.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Not even a smile played around his lips.

“To town for supplies. We’re out of everything.”

He studied her for a heartbeat. “I’ll go with you.”

She drew her brows together. “Don’t you have ranch chores to do?”

“I can’t have you messing up, now can I?”

“Ugh! I forgot what a jerk you can be.” She started to step back.

Taking her by the shoulder, he turned her spine to the door and hemmed her in with his strong body.

“That’s not what you were calling me last night after I gave you an orgasm.” When his warm, minty breath washed over her lips, a shiver of desire spiked through her.

Did everything about her life have to be so conflicting?

She traced her tongue over her dry bottom lip. “Give me two orgasms and we’ll see what I have to say.”

The corner of his lips twitched. In all the time the man had been here, she might have seen him smile once, maybe twice. Seeing it now was like watching a comet arc across the sky. It left her feeling just as breathless and honored to witness such a rare occurrence.

Her chest heaved with a need for more air. At that moment, Hunter pushed away from the truck, giving her escape.

She plucked the cowboy hat off his head and plopped it on her own.

“Dammit, woman.”

She tossed her head on a laugh and jumped behind the wheel. “Get in if you’re coming with me, cowboy.”

He rounded the vehicle, muttering under his breath. Once he was seated next to her, she sliced a grin his way.

“What’s that for?” His question threw her.


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