Page 9 of Beast & Bossy

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I pressed my lips to hers, firmer this time, more than just a fleeting touch. Heat flooded my body like a wildfire, and in less than a second I’d deepened the kiss, exploring her mouth and tasting the wine she’d just sipped. The wine, though delectable and rich, wasn’t nearly as intoxicating as the woman in my arms.

Fingernails dragged through the short hairs on the back of my head, leaving little trails of heat as they held me to her, unrelenting and needy. I’d never felt more reassured that I knew how to read a woman, and know when I was wanted. Granted, I couldn’t recall the last time my advances were refused.

“Just once,” she mumbled against my lips. She backed up as the music reached its peak, pulling me with her, until her ass met the backrest of the couch. I let my mouth explore her more, let myself taste the skin of her neck, the little soft spot beneath her ear. “What happens in Oahu stays in Oahu. Understand?”

I lifted her just enough to set her on the backrest, to slot myself between her thighs. My free hand roamed the soft flesh there, curving around the muscle and pushing the black satin further up. “I understand,” I chuckled.

She sucked in a breath as I breached the hem of her dress, warm skin beneath. Not a hint of anything more.

“Were you hoping for this?” I asked, my thumb dragging gently across already slick skin. Her answering little squeak was enough to tell me damn well that she had been hoping for exactly this. “Or do you always forgo panties, Charlotte?”

Footsteps sounded behind me and I immediately felt her stiffen. I didn’t care.

My thumb delved between her lips, her slickness coating it entirely. Had going back and forth with me turned her on? Or was she just so intensely easy to please? I found her little bundle of nerves in an instant, making her gasp as she dug her nails into the back of my head in a silent demand.

“Can we… can we go somewhere more private?” she gulped. I pulled my head from the crook of her neck, saliva dampening my lips, and watched as her eyes clung to whichever chef had inevitably entered the room to drop off more food. I didn’t want that food, though. I wanted the feast that was in my hands serving itself to me.

“Not one for onlookers?” I laughed.

“Something like that.”

Sinking my fingers between her lips, I slid them down then up, across her clit and further, slipping two inside of her with shocking ease while teasing with my thumb. The longer I touched her, the wetter she became. “You’re an awful liar.”

“Please,” she rasped, her voice breaking as I curled my fingers inside of her.

The sheer willpower I had to exude over myself to retreat from inside of her was shocking, even for me.

“You’re all dismissed,” I called out in the vague direction of the kitchen. In one fell swoop, I wrapped my arm around her waist and hoisted her up and over my shoulder, bare ass in the air. She grunted, the blood rushing to her head while she hung upside down over my back.

“You fucking beast?—”

Making my way toward the bedroom of the suite, I landed a sharp but playful smack against her rear, interrupting her mid-sentence with another little shriek. “You’re getting what you want, sweetheart,” I teased. Placing a soft little kiss against the spot I’d hit, I shoved the bedroom door open. “I wouldn’t complain about it.”

“Put me down, Hunter,” she hissed.

“You wanted privacy.”

“I’m more than capable of walking!”

I lifted her up and off my shoulder, dropping her on the soft plush sheets with an audible thud. Her dress was bunched around her waist as she got her bearings, the blood returning to her extremities, eyes latched onto my hand as I unbuckled my belt.

If for one second she thought she was getting away without being thoroughly fucked, she was sorely mistaken.

“Did you wonder what it would feel like to have me inside of you?” I asked her, baring my teeth mockingly while pulling my belt through the loops and dropping it on the floor. “Or did you just assume?”

Her jaw steeled. “I assumed.”

“Good.” With every item of clothing I stripped, I felt freer and freer. The jacket itself was restricting enough, but the shirt—apparently I needed to get some new ones. “Then I get to prove you wrong.”

Her little snort was cut short when her eyes snagged on my chest.

“Jesus,” she breathed.

“Nope, just me.” Her eyes rolled so hard I thought I might not ever see that glaring blue ever again. But when she heard the sound of my zipper coming down, they were back on me, wide as the Pacific as I finally set myself free. “Fuck, that’s been aching since you walked in the goddamn door.”

Her lips parted, all sense of attitude washed out to sea. Kicking off my pants and my boxers, I climbed over her on the bed, the scent of her perfume washing over me now that we were free of the overwhelming scent of Cajun food. Fresh-cut strawberries, a hint of cinnamon, a sweetness like whipped cream. I hadn’t smelled it that first night at the wedding, and I wondered if she’d put it on specifically for me this time.

I left a trail of kisses and teeth marks along her neck and collarbone, and within a second she was sliding the straps of her dress down, bringing the neckline lower and lower until the tips of her breasts broke through. Not even a fucking bra.
