Page 10 of Beast & Bossy

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I’d struck gold with this one.

Taking one of her nipples between my teeth, I lapped at it viciously, savoring every little whimper and moan that reverberated from her chest. I pushed her legs up, holding the backs of her thighs, until she was practically a pretzel. “Are you on birth control?” I asked, my voice muffled from her flesh between my lips.

Wild eyes met mine. “Yeah. Are you… uh…”

“I get tested monthly. Nothing to report.”

She nodded and let her head fall back onto the bed. “Perfect.”

The tip of my cock rested against her thoroughly soaked entrance. A little droplet slid onto the shaft, shiny and slick and fucking beautiful, and that was all I needed to see before pushing myself into her.

Every inch felt like paradise around me.

The moan she let out was guttural, raw, half demonic and half angelic. Her head tipped farther back, her neck stretching, and I felt the sting of her nails against my chest before the warmth of her palm. “Fuck,” she breathed. “Were you made in a goddamn factory?”

I laughed as she flexed around me, her walls squeezing me for emphasis. “Unfortunately not. I have faults and flaws just like everyone else.” Sitting up straight, I dragged my hand down the back of her thigh to where we met, slowly and precisely circling her clit.

And then I started to move.

“Oh my God,” she whined, her back arching, her fingers fisting the sheets instead of ripping my skin open. “Oh my God, Hunter.”

“As good as you imagined?” I teased. I knew the answer, always did, but it never got old hearing it. I gave her a little more pressure with my thumb, relishing in every little extended cry she made.

“Better. So much better.”

I picked up my pace, adjusting her body so I could bring myself deeper and bury myself up to the hilt. Her hips reacted to every thrust, and I had to wonder just how long the image of her like this would stay planted in my mind. Would I think of it every time I saw her back in Boulder? Would I want it, want her, every time?

She tightened around me, fierce eyes meeting mine. Close. “You take me so well,” I purred, leaning down over her just enough to give her an ounce of my warmth. “Like you were fucking made to fit around me.”

I pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose and kept my pace as even as possible, driving her further and further toward her release. She cried out, one hand releasing the sheets and wrapping around the back of my neck, holding me to her.

“Ask for permission.”


“You don’t get to come until I tell you to,” I smirked, loving the way her brows came down hard, the way she glared at me like I was the worst man she’d ever met. “So ask me for permission, sweetheart.”

“You’re horrible.”

“And you’re so fucking close. I could just stop,” I said. I took her lower lip between my teeth, begging silently to whatever god existed that she didn’t fight me on it, didn’t call my bluff. I was getting close myself, and fuck, I didn’t want to stop. Didn’t want to ever stop.

Tightening walls bared down on my cock, making it somewhat difficult to keep my pace, but I pushed through it. So close. So, so close.


“Hunter,” she cried. Her nails dug into my neck, deep enough to leave little indents. “Please, can I?—”

“Come.” The word came out as a growled demand, my hips stuttering as I tried to hold myself back. She tightened and released, tightened and released, practically sobbing her moans while her orgasm ripped through her. I quickly tumbled after her, losing myself inside her, burying myself so far that I thought I’d never come out.


I wasn’t sure if she truly believed I was asleep or didn’t care if I noticed the shift in the bed, heard the sound of footsteps padding across the floor, or the bedroom door shutting quietly. Whether it was shame, guilt, or pure horror at what she’d just done, something drove her to leave well before the night had truly begun.

I grinned into the pillow, blinking open my eyes to the wide view of stars from the window of the cottage. It didn’t matter.

I’d won. I’d had her, I’d taken her, another conquest fulfilled.

But it didn’t feel like enough this time.
