Page 64 of Beast & Bossy

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“Come for me,” I demanded, my voice nothing but gruff air.

A split second of silence turned into a rippling screech loud enough to startle the birds. She broke in a million different ways, wheezing for air and reaching for me as her body shook. Hooking her joined legs behind my head, I leaned down over her, pressing my lips to hers as intensely as I could, my hips stuttering as I quickly followed her over the edge.

I couldn’t breathe as pure ecstasy took over my body, but I didn’t care. Being with her, spilling inside of her, was all I needed.

Her hands held my face, calming me while I recovered. I kissed her lips, her cheeks, her jaw, her neck—anything I could reach. I was gluttonous, savoring this time she’d given me, wanting to steal more of it and harbor it. I was never done with her.

“Hunter?” she breathed, a little quiver to her voice.

“Lottie,” I hummed, my nose against her throat. Cinnamon. Cream. Fresh-cut strawberries.

Her chin bobbed nervously. She held her breath for a moment, and then finally, she spoke. “Is this real?”

Chapter 26


My emotions were running on high. In the afterglow, I hadn’t thought about filtering my words, but once they left my mouth I instantly snapped back to reality.

Hunter lifted his head from where he’d buried it in the crook of my neck. Over his shoulders, my leggings held my feet together, a silly sight amid the sudden tension. He blinked down at me, his eyes darting between mine.

He didn’t say a word.

My eyes burned with every passing second. He stayed there, still as a fucking statue, his cock getting limper by the minute inside of me.

Mistake. Mistake. Mistake. Mistake?—


But I was already moving. I squirmed out from under him, raking the bare parts of my body against the twigs and stones beneath me. I pulled my leggings up, my nails tearing a hole in the calf from the urgency and fought my way to my feet on unsteady legs.

Hunter sat there on his knees, his flaccid dick hanging between his thighs, his eyes trained on me. “Lottie,” he tried again.

My throat was closing in. “Don’t,” I choked.

The moment he made the move to get up, get dressed and approach me, I turned. I ran. I’d told myself so many fucking times up until that moment that running wasn’t what I was supposed to do, but fuck, running was the only thing I could do. I needed space. I needed time. I needed to go back and pull those words back into my mouth, erase them from history, and scrub them from the air.


I knew these woods like the back of my hand. He didn’t.

I burst through the other side, the open field back to my home an easy jog even in the mud. My eyes burned, my vision blurred, but I didn’t let a single fucking tear fall. I couldn’t cry over him. I wouldn’t.

Slamming the back door open, I checked over my shoulder. No sign of Hunter. Who knew how long it would take him to find his way out of there, and even then, I wasn’t going to talk to him. I didn’t want to hear his excuses or his lamenting about how I never should have let it get that far.


Dad looked me up and down. I couldn’t have cared less if he could gather what I’d been up to outside. “I’m going to my room,” I said simply, the words barely managing to get out. “Have you got him, Sarah?”

His nurse nodded to me.


“Sorry, Dad,” I croaked, pressing a kiss to his forehead before taking off for the stairs.


The tears finally came as I stood in front of the sliding doors of my closet. Flowing from a shimmering gold hanger, was Mom’s wedding dress.
