Page 63 of Beast & Bossy

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But to my surprise, she moved in closer, resting her head on my shoulder and nestling her body into me. Her fingers dragged down the sleeve of my jacket, intertwining with mine in a move that felt so natural, so effortless. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer, following her lead, and held her. I would do what she needed, for as long as she needed.

“Can I ask you to do something for me?” she asked, her head tipping back to meet my eyes.

“Anything.” God, who was I?

“Take my mind off it all.” Her gaze flicked between my lips and my eyes. “Please.”



I leaned down. Kissing her had become so natural it was as if it were ingrained in my body. Thoughtless, effortless. My mouth glided across hers, settling that unfinished business from days ago, that kiss I’d desperately longed for more of. She pulled herself into my lap, her hand dropping mine to wrap itself around the back of my neck instead.

“Why do I want you so badly?” she whispered, pressing her forehead to mine as she played with the hem of my shirt.

I didn’t have an answer for her. I’d been wondering the same thing, wondering what this pull was that kept dragging me back to her over and over again. I couldn’t get past how different this felt, how she wasn’t just another woman that was passing through my life that I’d sleep with twice, feel satisfied and move on. It was never enough with her. I could never get enough.

Words wouldn’t come. Instead, I pulled her back to my lips and kissed her again to explain what I couldn’t verbalize. I sunk my fingers into her and held her close to me, cupping the side of her cheek like she was made of porcelain because she was. Carefully, I slid down the side of the log, seating myself on the grass so I could pull her knees to either side of me. I wanted more warmth, more of her on me.

It was such a simple pocket of timelessness, of calm and serenity for us. It was much needed considering everything going on. I couldn’t say no to whatever she asked, even if that meant using me and my body as a distraction. I’d give her that. I’d give her anything.

I felt her hand fumbling with the button of my jeans. My cock swelled beneath her fingers, pressing against her core with too many layers of fabric between us. “Up,” I rasped, breaking the kiss just long enough to give her the order. She popped up on her knees, leaning over me as I quickly opened the button and dragged my zipper down. Fisting my cock under my boxers, I pulled it free before wrapping my fingers around the waistband of her leggings and tugging them down over the curve of her ass. As much as I wanted the feeling of her skin on mine, the air was too cold, the weather getting far too close to winter.

I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about how she felt for weeks. Just sliding my fingers between her thighs was enough to drag a groan out of me, her warm slickness leaking out into my palm. She whimpered against my lips as my fingertips circled her clit, teasing her, warming her up.

“I’ve missed those noises,” I breathed.

My cock twitched as I slipped two fingers inside of her, curling them up and forward. Her mouth left mine, her forehead resting against my lips instead, and she moaned her satisfaction as her walls shuddered around me. “Fuck,” she said, her nails pressing into my skin and leaving little half-moons in their wake. “More.”

Leaning further back, I slid down just a hair. With one hand on her hip, I reluctantly pulled my fingers from inside of her, leaving her empty and yearning as I slowly lowered her until the tip of my cock pressed against her entrance. “Take me, sweetheart.”

With a shuddering gasp, she let herself sink down, taking every inch of me inside to the hilt. Her eyes fluttered open while her body made space, her lips parted, her breath quickening.

And then she started to move.

Her hips slid against mine, muscle memory kicking in as she moved up and down on my cock. My head tipped back for a second, the sensation absolutely intoxicating, and with every moan she made, my need for her only grew. “Fuck, Charlotte,” I hissed, wrapping my hand around the back of her neck and pulling her closer.

The smile that broke out across her lips was the first real one I’d seen in far too long.

“So fucking good,” I groaned. I slipped my hand between us, giving her that little bit of extra friction between her thighs with every shift of her hips. Her little gasps only made me more ravenous, more desperate for her.

Suddenly a carnal instinct kicked in, and what we were doing wasn’t enough. I needed to take her. Needed to claim her. I couldn’t bite back the feeling, couldn’t push it down, and before I realized it I had her on her back in the grass and dirt, her leggings down to her ankles, her legs up over her head, and my cock so deep inside of her that I couldn’t see or think straight.

She sucked in air through her teeth as I drove myself into her over and over, my fingers pressing so hard into the backs of her thighs that I’d almost certainly leave bruises. “You wanted a distraction, sweetheart,” I purred, a little chuckle bubbling up my throat. “Tell me, is this enough for you?”

She swallowed, her mouth open in a perfect little O as her hand slid over her shirt and down to her clit.

“Am I enough for you?”

The words had left my mouth involuntarily, spoken in such a way that I hoped she didn’t catch the meaning behind them. Something flickered across her face as her cheeks heated, her internal walls shuddering around my cock.

“Yes,” she moaned. “Fuck, yes.”

I almost wished I wasn’t fucking her senseless so I knew if she was answering my question sincerely or just expressing her satisfaction.

I could feel pleasure growing in my groin, that extra pressure telling me just how close I was. And if her shaking thighs and gasps weren’t enough of an indication that she was too, her tightening around me was enough on its own. I kept my pace, kept my angle, knowing damn well any little change could kill it for her.

“Hunter,” she choked. “Can I please?—”
