Page 58 of Beast & Bossy

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Ten in the morning and she was still asleep.

Carrying a completely nude, passed-out woman into your house in the dark at near freezing temperatures isn’t on my list of things I’d like to do again. I was certainly thankful that I lived in privacy and didn’t need to worry about neighbors calling in a suspected murder.

The weights in front of me slammed back into place as I finished my last set on the lat pulldown machine. My bare chest dripped with sweat, and I grabbed for my water and towel, feeling ten times better after my morning workout. At least one of us would be feeling good.

Across the room, my cell rang. Hoping it wasn’t Lottie waking in a panic not knowing where the hell she was, I forced myself up and over to the little table I’d left it on.

Not Lottie.

“Hey,” I said, wiping at my chest absentmindedly with the towel.

“How’s Lottie this morning? She was a bit… drunk,” Mom said, that tone of sternness lingering as if she was focused intently on two things at once. Probably making breakfast.

“Still asleep. She passed out before I could even get her home.” Something sizzled in the back of the call on her end. Bacon. “Why on earth did you let her drink that much?”

“She didn’t drink that much. She had about the same amount as me,” Mom laughed.

“One of you has a tolerance.”

“Ah, well. I’m glad she had a good time.” A popping sound made her gasp. “Shit, ow.”

“Cold water, Mom,” I chuckled.

“Yeah, yeah.” I heard the faucet turn on as she ran whatever got burned under cold water. “If you were wondering if I like her, the answer is yes, by the way.”

I pushed through the doors of my home gym, listening for a second for any movement upstairs before I made my way to the bathroom. “Well, that’s a relief. I’ll only be with her for the rest of my life,” I joked, that pang of an ache hitting me from the lie as I turned on the shower. “Was she… okay? I know she was really worried about leaving her dad for the day.” And she was so drunk she might have said something about our arrangement.

“Yeah, she was fine. A little reserved, but when the drinks started coming, she calmed down.”


Footsteps padded on the wooden stairs as I plated up breakfast. Bacon, eggs, sausage, avocado toast. Everything she’d need to not feel nearly as disgusting as she was bound to feel, along with massive glasses of orange juice, water, and a cup of coffee.

“Oh, thank fuck this is your house.”

I turned.

Covered in nothing but one of my t-shirts, the only clue to her intense hangover was her half-lidded eyes and the fingers that rubbed at her temples. Her hair was tied up on top of her head in a messy bun, a few strands hanging loose around her face. Even with the hangover, it was clear that the sleep she’d gotten last night was the best she’d had in weeks.

She looked genuinely beautiful.

“Did you think I’d dropped you off at some random person's house?” I chuckled, setting her plate down at the small kitchen table.

“To be honest, I don’t really remember anything after stumbling into the changing room,” she said. Her olive cheeks went pink as she stared at me. “But your shirt kind of tipped me off.”

It was the same one I’d offered her back in Texas. That had to be… Jesus, almost a month ago. One month since I’d been able to be intimate with her in the ways I wanted. I understood the reasons but fuck, I wanted her. Especially with her looking like that, in my clothes, in my house.

“It’s probably a good thing,” I laughed, trying to push the image of her bent over my knee with her bare ass in the air mine to touch out of my mind. “You were a bit out of it last night.”

She groaned and lifted her hands, obscuring her face but not before I caught sight of that deepening blush. She slouched into the seat at the glass table. “I’m sorry. I’m not a pretty drunk.”

I grabbed my plate from the counter and set my spot next to hers as she slowly began to dig in. “It’s fine. Honestly. Though I don’t think Dana’s going to forget you begging me to touch you.”

She paused with her fork half in her mouth. “Please tell me you’re joking.”

Stabbing one of my sausages, I brought it to my mouth and bit the end off. “I wish I was, for your sake.”

“Did you?” she asked, her cheeks still peachy pink as she glanced at me with those beautiful bright eyes.
