Page 88 of Brute & Bossy

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My cock twitched from her brazenness. “Not on the bed?” I asked, dragging my lips down to her neck, kissing and nipping at the skin. “Where does my Raven want me to fuck her, then?”

She sighed into me, her fingers crawling up my chest and wrapping around my neck. “Anywhere.”

Music to my ears.

I pulled her to her feet in an instant. “Against the window,” I rasped, wrapping my fingers around the nape of her neck and gently pushing her toward it. Floor-to-ceiling windows covered one side of the room and damn, I wanted to make her scream against it.

But that would alert the realtor.

There would be plenty of time to make her scream in the house before the baby came. I could fuck her quietly against it, though.

“The window?” she asked with widened eyes. Just outside was a landscape of various trees and rock, and beyond that, an amazing view overlooking Boulder. No one would see us, unless the realtor decided to go outside.

“The window, baby.”

She pressed her hands against it, arching her back in the way that drove me absolutely wild. I hooked my fingers in the waistband of her joggers, pulling them down over her rear in one quick move. I left them clinging to her thighs.

“It’s just a quickie,” I said when she jutted her lower lip out at me. “I’ll make it up to you later.”

Sliding my hand between her thighs, my cock throbbed in my jeans the moment I felt how slick she already was. She pushed back against my fingers. “Please,” she breathed.

“So eager,” I laughed.

The button on my jeans gave me the smallest pause to reconsider. Did I really want to fuck her here, in the middle of a house viewing, when the realtor could walk in any second?


I grabbed my cock and pressed it against her entrance from behind. I slid into her with ease, coaxing a quiet groan from her as she tried to contain herself.

“Shh.” I bottomed out inside of her. A shiver rolled down my spine when she squeezed around me, forcing a growl from my throat. “God, you can’t do that.”

“And why not?” she giggled.

Slowly, agonizingly, I began to move. Every thrust made my mind fog, made me ache to moan. I grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her toward me, her back arching perfectly and wrapped my fingers lightly around her throat. She leaned her head back against my chest, fluttering lashes barely hiding her eyes from me.

“Because you’ll make me blow our cover and this will no longer be a quickie.” Squeezing gently on either side of her neck, I pressed my free hand against the window for stability. I knew just how to hold her throat in a way that wouldn’t hurt her. No pressure on her windpipe. She went fucking wild for it every time.

“Blow our cover then,” she moaned, her voice soft like butter as I picked up my speed. “I don’t like quickies anyway.”

“Don’t tempt me, Raven.”

Her hips met mine with every thrust, each little breath and squeak she made only heightening my arousal. I wanted this forever. Wanted her forever.

“Touch yourself,” I ordered, squeezing just a little harder before loosening my grip.

I didn’t need to ask her twice.

Her moans picked up, louder and louder as her hand slid down over her little bump and between her thighs. Footsteps echoed in the hallway outside the door, setting my senses on high alert.

I moved my hand from her throat to her mouth instead. “Don’t make a sound,” I growled.

The footsteps got closer. I only fucked her harder.

A muffled little shriek barely escaped between my fingers as I angled myself just the right way, hitting that spot inside of her that turned her to jelly. I could feel her body shaking against me, could feel the way she clenched around me, and I knew damn well she was close.

The footsteps stopped just outside the door.

“Come for me,” I said, my voice just barely above a whisper. “Be my good girl and keep quiet.”
